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Synonymy list
YearName and author
1910Soricomorpha Gregory
1975Soricomorpha McKenna p. 42
1985Soricomorpha Novacek et al.
1997Soricomorpha McKenna and Bell p. 274
2004Soricomorpha Kielan-Jaworowska et al. pp. 494, 506
2005Soricomorpha Tabuce et al. p. 390
2005Soricomorpha Wilson and Reeder
2006Soricomorpha Lopatin
2009Soricomorpha Ziegler p. 366
2010Soricomorpha Silcox et al.
2012Soricomorpha Rose et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
suborderSoricomorphaGregory 1910
suborderSoricomorphaGregory 1910

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subor. Soricomorpha Gregory 1910
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Fm. †Changlelestidae Tong and Wang 1993
G. †Changlelestes Tong and Wang 1993
Changlelestes dissetiformis Tong and Wang 1993
G. †Ernosorex Wang and Li 1990
Ernosorex jilinensis Wang and Li 1990
Subfm. †Tupaiodontinae Butler 1988
G. †Anatolechinos Wang 2008
Anatolechinos huadianensis Wang and Li 1990
G. †Ictopidium Zdansky 1930
Ictopidium lechei Zdansky 1930
G. †Tupaiodon Matthew and Granger 1924
Tupaiodon morrisi Matthew and Granger 1924
G. †Zaraalestes Storch and Dashzeveg 1997
Zaraalestes minutus Matthew and Granger 1924
Invalid names: Ictopidium tatalgolensis Sulimski 1970 [synonym]
Zaraalestes russelli Storch and Dashzeveg 1997
Fm. †Geolabididae McKenna 1960
G. †Batodonoides Novacek 1976
Batodonoides powayensis Novacek 1976
Batodonoides vanhouteni Bloch et al. 1998
Batodonoides walshi Kelly 2010
G. †Centetodon Marsh 1872
Centetodon altidens Marsh 1872
Invalid names: Didelphodus ventanus White 1952 [synonym]
Centetodon aztecus Lillegraven et al. 1981
Centetodon bacchanalis McGrew et al. 1959
Centetodon bembicophagus Lillegraven et al. 1981
Centetodon chadronensis Lillegraven et al. 1981
Centetodon divaricatus Korth 1992
Centetodon hendryi Lillegraven et al. 1981
Centetodon kuenzii Lillegraven et al. 1981
Centetodon magnus Clark 1936
Centetodon marginalis Cope 1873
Invalid names: Embassis alternans Cope 1873 [synonym], Metacodon mellingeri Patterson and McGrew 1937 [synonym]
Centetodon neashami Bown and Schankler 1982
Centetodon patratus Bown and Schankler 1982
Centetodon pulcher Marsh 1872
Invalid names: Hypacodon praecursor McKenna 1960 [synonym]
Centetodon wolffi Macdonald 1965
Invalid names: Embassis Cope 1873 [synonym], Hypacodon McKenna 1960 [synonym], Protictops Peterson 1934 [synonym]
G. †Gobigeolabis Lopatin 2004
Gobigeolabis verigranum Lopatin 2004
G. †Marsholestes McKenna 1992
Marsholestes dasypelix Matthew 1909
G. †Stilpnodon Simpson 1935
Stilpnodon simplicidens Simpson 1935
Invalid names: Centetodontinae Trouessart 1879 [synonym], Metacodontidae Butler 1948 [synonym], Protictops alticuspidens Peterson 1934 [nomen dubium]
G. †Nycticonodon Quinet 1964
Fm. †Plesiosoricidae Winge 1917
G. †Butselia Quinet and Misonne 1965
Butselia biveri Quinet and Misonne 1965
G. †Ordolestes Lopatin 2006
Ordolestes ordinatus Lopatin 2006
G. †Pakilestes Russell and Gingerich 1981
Pakilestes lathrius Russell and Gingerich 1981
G. †Plesiosorex Pomel 1848
Plesiosorex aydarlensis Kordikova 2000
Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson 1960
Plesiosorex donroosai Green 1977
Plesiosorex evolutus Ziegler 2006
Plesiosorex germanicus Seemann 1938
Plesiosorex greeni Martin and Lim 2004
Plesiosorex latidens Hall 1929
Plesiosorex schaffneri Engesser 1972
Plesiosorex soricinoides Blainville 1838
Invalid names: Plesiosorex talpoides Pomel 1848 [synonym]
Plesiosorex styriacus Hoffmann 1892
Invalid names: Meterix Hall 1929 [synonym]
G. †Pseudoneurogymnurus Gureev 1979
G. †Siamosorex Peigné et al. 2009
Siamosorex debonisi Peigné et al. 2009
Invalid names: Butselidae Quinet and Misonne 1965 [synonym], Butseliinae Quinet and Misonne 1965 [empty], Plesiosoricinae Winge 1917 [empty]
Fm. Soricidae Fischer 1814 [shrew]
G. †Alloblarinella Storch 1995
Alloblarinella europaea Reumer 1984
Alloblarinella sinica Storch 1995
G. †Alluvisorex Hutchison 1966
Alluvisorex arcadentes Hutchison 1966
Alluvisorex chasseae Tedford 1961
G. †Asoriculus Kretzoi 1959
G. †Beremendia Kormos 1930
Beremendia fissidens Petényi 1864
G. †Cokia Storch 1995
Cokia kowalskae Storch 1995
Cokia robusta Rzebik-Kowalska 1989
G. †Cretasorex Nessov and Gureyev 1981
Cretasorex arkhangelskyi Nessov and Gureyev 1981
Subfm. Crocidosoricinae Reumer 1987
G. †Carposorex Crochet 1975
G. †Clapasorex Crochet 1975
Clapasorex alvarezae van den Hoek Ostende 2003
Tr. †Crocidosoricini Reumer 1987
G. †Crocidosorex Lavocat 1951
G. †Miocrocidosorex Lopatin 2004
Miocrocidosorex zazhigini Lopatin 2004
G. †Florinia Ziegler 1989
Florinia stehlini Doben-Florin 1964
G. †Lartetium Ziegler 1989
Lartetium petersbuchense Ziegler 1989
Lartetium prevostianum Lartet 1851
G. †Miosorex Kretzoi 1959
Miosorex grivensis Depéret 1892
Miosorex pusilliformis Doben-Florin 1964
G. †Oligosorex Kretzoi 1959
Oligosorex bruijni Gibert 1974
Tr. †Oligosoricini Gureev 1971
G. †Aralosorex Lopatin 2004
Aralosorex kalini Lopatin 2004
G. †Soricella Doben-Florin 1964
Soricella discrepans Doben-Florin 1964
G. †Srinitium Hugueney 1976
Srinitium caeruleum Ziegler 1998
Srinitium marteli Hugueney 1976
G. †Taatsiinia Ziegler et al. 2007
Taatsiinia hoeckorum Ziegler et al. 2007
G. †Tavoonyia Ziegler et al. 2007
Tavoonyia altaica Ziegler et al. 2007
G. †Ulmensia Ziegler 1989
Ulmensia antecedens Ziegler 1998
Ulmensia ehrensteinensis Ziegler 1989
Subfm. Crocidurinae Milne Edwards 1874 [white-toothed shrew]
G. Crocidura Wagler 1832
Crocidura attila Dollman 1915
Crocidura giffardi de Winton 1898
Crocidura horsfieldi Tomes 1856 [Horsfield's shrew]
Crocidura kornfeldi Kormos 1934
Crocidura leucodon Hermann 1780
Crocidura olivieri Lesson 1827 [African giant shrew]
Crocidura poensis Fraser 1843
Crocidura russula Herrmann 1780 [Greater white-toothed shrew]
Invalid names: Crocidura mimula Miller 1901 [synonym]
Crocidura sururae Heller 1910
Crocidura zimmermanni Wettstein 1953
Invalid names: Sorex caerulescens Shaw 1800 [synonym]
Invalid names: Heliosorex Heller 1910 [synonym], Leucodon Fatio 1869 [synonym], Paurodus Schulze 1897 [synonym], Rhinomus Murray 1861 [synonym]
Tr. Crocidurini Milne Edwards 1872
G. Diplomesodon Brandt 1952
G. †Feroculus Kelaart 1852
G. Myosorex Gray 1838
Invalid names: Congosorex Heim de Balsac and Lamotte 1956 [synonym]
G. †Paracrocidura Heim de Balsac 1956
G. †Praesorex Thomas 1913
G. †Solisorex Thomas 1924
G. †Surdisorex Thomas 1906
G. Sylvisorex Thomas 1904
Sylvisorex gemmeus Heller 1910
Sylvisorex morio Gray 1862
Sylvisorex sorelloides Lönnberg 1912
Tr. †Scutisoricini Allen 1917
G. †Scutisorex Thomas 1913
Scutisorex congicus Thomas 1915
G. Suncus Ehrenberg 1832
Suncus etruscus Savi 1822
Suncus madagascariensis Coquerel 1848 [Madagascan pygmy shrew]
Suncus murinus Linnaeus 1766 [Asian house shrew]
Suncus varilla Thomas 1895 [Lesser dwarf shrew]
Invalid names: Suncus orangiae Roberts 1924 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pachyura Selys Longchamps 1839 [synonym], Plerodus Schulze 1897 [synonym]
Subfm. †Heterosoricinae Viret and Zapfe 1951
G. †Atasorex Lopatin 2004
Atasorex edax Lopatin 2004
G. †Dinosorex Engesser 1972
Dinosorex anatolicus van den Hoek Ostende 1995
Dinosorex engesseri Rabeder 1998
Dinosorex huerzeleri Engesser 1975
Dinosorex pachygnathus Engesser 1972
Dinosorex sansaniensis Lartet 1851
Dinosorex zapfei Engesser 1975
G. †Domnina Cope 1873
Domnina crassigenis Cope 1873
Domnina dakotensis Macdonald 1970
Domnina gradata Cope 1873
Domnina greeni Macdonald 1963
Domnina sagittariensis Kihm and Schumaker 2008
Domnina thompsoni Simpson 1941
Invalid names: Miothen Cope 1873 [synonym]
G. †Gobisorex Sulimski 1970
Gobisorex akhmetievi Lopatin 2004
Gobisorex kingae Sulimski 1970
G. †Heterosorex Gaillard 1915
Heterosorex ruemkeae Doukas 1986
Heterosorex wangi Storch and Qiu 1991
G. †Ingentisorex Hutchison 1966
Ingentisorex tumididens Hutchison 1966
G. †Lusorex Storch and Qiu 2004
Lusorex taishanensis Storch and Qiu 2004
G. †Noritrimylus Korth et al. 2022
Noritrimylus compressus Galbreath 1953
Noritrimylus dakotensis Repenning 1967
Noritrimylus metaxy Korth 2020
G. †Paradomnina Hutchison 1966
Paradomnina relictus Hutchison 1966
G. †Pseudotrimylus Gureev 1971
Pseudotrimylus blacki Martin and Lim 2004
Pseudotrimylus mawbyi Repenning 1967
Pseudotrimylus roperi Wilson 1960
Invalid names: Trimylus Roger 1885 [synonym]
G. †Quercysorex Engesser 1975
Quercysorex herrlingensis Palmowski and Wachendorf 1966
Quercysorex primaevus Filhol 1884
Quercysorex ulmensis Ziegler 1998
G. †Wilsonosorex Martin 1978
Wilsonosorex conulatus Martin 1978
Invalid names: Sorex kinkelini Zinndorf 1901 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. †Limnoecinae Repenning 1967
G. †Angustidens Repenning 1967
Angustidens excultus Mayr and Fahlbusch 1975
Angustidens vireti Wilson 1960
G. †Limnoecus Stirton 1930
Limnoecus compressus Wilson 1960
Limnoecus niobrarensis Macdonald 1947
Limnoecus tricuspis Stirton 1930
Limnoecus truyolsi Gibert 1974
G. †Lunanosorex Jin and Kawamura 1996
Lunanosorex lii Jin and Kawamura 1996
G. †Nesiotites Bate 1945
Nesiotites corsicanus Bate 1945
Nesiotites hidalgo Bate 1945
Nesiotites rafelinensis Rofes et al. 2012
Nesiotites similis Hensel 1855
G. †Paenepetenyia Storch 1995
Paenepetenyia zhudingi Storch 1995
G. †Parydrosorex Wilson 1968
Parydrosorex concisus Wilson 1968
G. †Petenyiella Kretzoi 1956
Petenyiella zelcea Sulimski 1959
Invalid names: Allopachyura Kormos 1934 [synonym]
G. †Podihik Deraniyagala 1958
G. †Protosorex Scott 1894
Protosorex crassus Scott 1894
G. †Siwalikosorex Sahni and Khare 1976
Subfm. Soricinae Fischer von Waldheim 1817 [red-toothed shrew]
Tr. †Allosoricini Fejfar 1966
G. †Allosorex Fejfar 1966
Allosorex gracilidens Viret and Zapfe 1951
G. †Paenelimnoecus Baudelot 1972
Paenelimnoecus crouzeli Baudelot 1972
Paenelimnoecus micromorphus Dobin-Florin 1964
Paenelimnoecus obtusus Storch 1995
Paenelimnoecus repenningi Bachmayer and Wilson 1970
Tr. †Amblycoptini Kormos 1926
G. †Kordosia Mészáros 1997
Kordosia topali Jánossy 1972
Tr. Anourosoricini Anderson 1879
G. †Paranourosorex Rzebik-Kowalska 1975
Paranourosorex gigas Rzebik-Kowalska 1975
Paranourosorex inexspectatus Schlosser 1924
Paranourosorex seletiensis Storch and Zazhigin 1996
Tr. Blarinini Kretzoi 1965
G. †Adeloblarina Repenning 1967
Adeloblarina berklandi Repenning 1967
G. Blarina Gray 1838 [American short-tailed shrew]
Blarina brevicauda Say 1823 [northern short-tailed shrew]
Invalid names: Blarina fossilis Hibbard 1943 [synonym], Blarina kirtlandi Graham and Semken 1976 [synonym], Blarina ozarkensis Brown 1908 [synonym], Sorex talpoides Grapper 1830 [synonym], Talposorex platyurus Pomel 1848 [synonym]
Blarina carolinensis Bachman 1837 [southern short-tailed shrew]
Blarina simplicidens Cope 1899
Invalid names: Anotus Wagner 1855 [synonym], Mamblarinaus Herrera 1899 [synonym], Talposorex Pomel 1848 [synonym]
G. †Blarinoides Sulimski 1959
Blarinoides aliciae Minwer-Barakat et al. 2007
Blarinoides aliciae Minwer-Barakat et al. 2007
Blarinoides mariae Sulimski 1959
G. Cryptotis Pomel 1848 [small-eared shrew]
Cryptotis adamsi Hibbard 1953
Cryptotis floridana Merriam 1895
Cryptotis kansasensis Hibbard 1957
Cryptotis meadensis Hibbard 1953
Cryptotis mexicana Coues 1877 [Mexican small-eared shrew]
Cryptotis parva Say 1823 [North American least shrew]
Cryptotis peregrina Merriam 1895 [Oaxacan broad-tailed shrew]
Cryptotis phillipsii Schaldach 1966 [Phillips' small-eared shrew]
Invalid names: Brachysorex Duvernoy 1842 [synonym], Soriciscus Coues 1877 [synonym]
G. †Mafia Reumer 1984
G. †Paracryptotis Hibbard 1950
Paracryptotis gidleyi Gazin 1933
Paracryptotis rex Hibbard 1950
G. †Peisorex Kowalski and Li 1963
G. †Shikamainosorex Hasegawa 1957
G. †Sulimskia Reumer 1984
Sulimskia kretzoii Sulimski 1962
Sulimskia ziegleri Qiu and Storch 2000
G. †Tregosorex Hibbard and Jammot 1971
Tregosorex holmani Hibbard and Jammot 1971
G. †Hemisorex Baudelot 1967
Tr. †Nectogalini Anderson 1879
G. †Arctisorex Hutchison and Harington 2002
Arctisorex polaris Hutchison and Harington 2002
G. †Beckiasorex Dalquest 1972
Beckiasorex hibbardi Dalquest 1972
G. †Crusafontina Gibert 1975
Crusafontina endemica Gibert 1975
Crusafontina fastigata Van Dam 2004
Crusafontina kormosi Bachmayer and Wilson 1970
Crusafontina vandeweerdi Van Dam 2004
Invalid names: Anouroneomys Brown 1980 [synonym]
G. †Hesperosorex Hibbard 1957
Hesperosorex lovei Hibbard 1957
G. Notiosorex Baird 1877 [gray shrew]
Notiosorex crawfordi Coues 1877 [Crawford's gray shrew]
Notiosorex jacksoni Hibbard 1950
Notiosorex repenningi Lindsay and Jacobs 1985
Tr. Neomyini Matschie 1909
G. †Amblycoptus Kormos 1926
Amblycoptus jessiae Doukas et al. 1995
G. Anourosorex Milne-Edwards 1872 [mole shrew]
Anourosorex oblongus Storch and Qiu 1991
Anourosorex squamipes Milne-Edwards 1872
Invalid names: Pygmura Anderson 1875 [synonym]
G. †Builstynia Ziegler et al. 2007
Builstynia fontana Ziegler et al. 2007
G. Chimarrogale Anderson 1877 [Asiatic water shrew]
Invalid names: Crossogale Thomas 1921 [synonym]
G. Chodsigoa Kastchenko 1907
G. Episoriculus Ellerman and Morrison-Scott 1951
Episoriculus gibberodon Petenyi 1864
G. Megasorex Hibbard 1950
Megasorex gigas Merriam 1897 [Mexican shrew]
G. Nectogale Milne-Edwards 1870
G. Neomys Kaup 1829 [water shrew]
Neomys fodiens Pennant 1771 [Eurasian water shrew]
Invalid names: Crossopus Wagler 1832 [synonym], Hydrogale Kaump 1829 [synonym], Leucorrhynchus Kaup 1829 [synonym], Myosictis Pomel 1854 [synonym], Pinalia Gray 1838 [synonym]
G. †Neomysorex Rzebik-Kowalska 1981
G. Soriculus Blyth 1845
Soriculus kubinyi Kormos 1934
Invalid names: Amblycoptinae Kormos 1926 [synonym], Anourosoricinae Anderson 1879 [synonym], Crossopinae Milne Edwards 1872 [synonym], Hydrosoridae Anon 1838 [synonym], Nectogalinae Anderson 1879 [synonym], Soriculi Winge 1917 [synonym]
Tr. Soricini Fischer von Waldheim 1817
G. †Anchiblarinella Hibbard and Jammot 1971
Anchiblarinella wakeeneyensis Hibbard and Jammot 1971
G. †Antesorex Repenning 1967
Antesorex wilsoni Korth and Evander 2016
G. Blarinella Thomas 1911 [Asiatic short-tailed shrew]
G. †Deinsdorfia Heller 1963
Deinsdorfia kerkhoffi Doukas et al. 1995
G. †Drepanosorex Kretzoi 1941
G. †Paenesorex Ziegler 2003
Paenesorex bicuspis Ziegler 2003
G. †Petenyia Kormos 1934
Petenyia concisa Wilson 1968
Petenyia dubia Bachmayer and Wilson 1970
Petenyia hungarica Kormos 1934
Petenyia katrinae Qiu and Storch 2000
G. †Planisorex Skinner and Hibbard 1972
Planisorex dixonensis Hibbard 1956
G. Sorex Linnaeus 1758 [long-tailed shrew]
Sorex alpinoides Kowalski 1956
Sorex alpinus Schinz 1837
Sorex araneus Linnaeus 1758 [common shrew]
Sorex arcticus Kerr 1792 [arctic shrew]
Sorex arizonae Diersing and Hoffmeister 1977
Sorex bor Reumer 1984
Sorex caecutiens Laxmann 1788
Sorex cinereus Kerr 1792 [cinereus shrew]
Sorex cudahyensis Hibbard 1944
Sorex dehneli Kowalski 1956
Sorex dispar Batchelder 1896 [long-tailed shrew]
Sorex edwardsi Brown 1980
Sorex ertemteensis Storch 1995
Sorex fejfari Horácek 1988
Sorex frankstounensis Peterson 1926
Sorex fumeus Miller 1895 [smoky shrew]
Sorex gracilidens Viret and Zapfe 1951
Sorex hagermanensis Hibbard and Bjork 1971
Sorex hibbardi Sulimski 1962
Sorex kansasensis McMullen 1975
Sorex kennardi Hinton 1911
Sorex lacustris Hibbard 1944
Sorex leahyi Hibbard 1956
Sorex longirostris Bachman 1837 [southeastern shrew]
Sorex margaritodon Kormos 1930
Sorex megapalustris Paulson 1961
Sorex meltoni Hibbard and Bjork 1971
Sorex merriami Dobson 1890
Sorex minutoides Storch 1995
Sorex minutus Linnaeus 1766 [Eurasian pygmy shrew]
Invalid names: Sorex minutus Brown 1908 [synonym]
Sorex monticolus Merriam 1890 [montane shrew]
Sorex obscurus Merriam 1895
Sorex ornatus Merriam 1895
Sorex palustris Richardson 1828 [American water shrew]
Sorex personatus Brown 1908
Sorex powersi Hibbard and Bjork 1971
Sorex praealpinus Heller 1930
Sorex praearaneus Kormos 1934
Sorex pratensis Hibbard 1944
Sorex pseudoalpinus Rzebik-Kowalska 1991
Sorex quadraticauda Milne-Edwards 1972
Sorex rexroadensis Hibbard 1953
Sorex runtonensis Hinton 1911
Sorex sandersi Hibbard 1956
Sorex saussurei Merriam 1892
Sorex savini Hinton 1911
Sorex scottensis Jammot 1972
Sorex subminutus Sulimski 1962
Sorex tasnadii Kretzoi 1965
Sorex taylori Hibbard 1937
Sorex trowbridgii Baird 1858
Sorex vagrans Baird 1858
Sorex yatkolai Brown 1980
Invalid names: Amphisorex Duvernoy 1835 [synonym], Atophyrax Merriam 1884 [synonym], Corsira [synonym], Homalurus Schulze 1890 [synonym], Hydrogale Pomel 1848 [synonym], Microsorex Baird 1877 [synonym], Musaraneus Brisson 1762 [synonym], Neosorex Baird 1857 [synonym], Otisorex De Kay 1842 [synonym], Soricidus Altobello 1927 [synonym]
Subfm. †Soricolestinae Lopatin 2002
G. †Soricolestes Lopatin 2002
Soricolestes soricavus Lopatin 2002
G. †Zelceina Sulimski 1962
Zelceina kormosi Schlosser 1924
Zelceina podlesicensis Rzebik-Kowalska 1990
Zelceina soriculoides Sulimski 1959
Invalid names: Allosoricinae Fejfar 1966 [empty]
Superfm. Soricoidea Gill 1872
Fm. †Apternodontidae Matthew 1910
G. †Apternodus Matthew 1903
Apternodus baladontus Asher 2002
Apternodus brevirostris Schlaikjer 1934
Apternodus gregoryi Schlaikjer 1933
Apternodus iliffensis Galbreath 1953
Apternodus major Asher 2002
Apternodus mediaevus Matthew 1903
Subfm. †Asiapternodontinae Lopatin 2006
G. †Asiapternodus Lopatin 2003
Asiapternodus mackennai Lopatin 2003
G. †Iconapternodus Tong 1997
Iconapternodus qii Tong 1997
Invalid names: Apternodontinae Matthew 1910 [empty], Oligoryctinae Asher et al. 2002 [empty], Parapternodontinae Asher et al. 2002 [empty]
G. †Clinopternodus Clark 1937
Invalid names: Clinodon Clark 1936 [synonym]
G. †Cryptoryctes Reed 1954
Cryptoryctes kayi Reed 1954
G. †Micropternodus Matthew 1903
Micropternodus borealis Matthew 1903
Micropternodus montrosensis Ostrander 1983
Micropternodus morgani Stirton and Rensberger 1964
Invalid names: Kentrogomphios White 1954 [synonym]
G. †Sinosinopa Qi 1987
Fm. †Nyctitheriidae Simpson 1928
Subfm. †Amphidozotheriinae Sige 1976
G. †Darbonetus Crochet 1974
Darbonetus aubrelongensis Crochet 1974
Darbonetus sigei Hooker 2018
Subfm. †Asionyctiinae Missiaen and Smith 2005
G. †Asionyctia Missiaen and Smith 2005
Asionyctia guoi Missiaen and Smith 2005
G. †Bayanulanius Meng et al. 1998
Bayanulanius tenuis Meng et al. 1998
G. †Edzenius Lopatin 2006
Edzenius lus Lopatin 2006
G. †Oedolius Russell and Dashzeveg 1986
Oedolius perexiguus Russell and Dashzeveg 1986
Subfm. †Eosoricodontinae Lopatin 2005
G. †Eosoricodon Lopatin 2005
Eosoricodon terrigena Lopatin 2005
G. †Indonyctia Das et al. 2022
Indonyctia cambayensis Das et al. 2022
G. †Leptacodon Matthew and Granger 1921
Leptacodon acherontus Secord 2008
Leptacodon catulus Krishtalka 1976
Leptacodon choristus Secord 2008
Leptacodon donkroni Rose et al. 2012
Leptacodon minutulus Dorr 1958
Leptacodon munusculum Simpson 1935
Leptacodon nascimentoi Estravís 1996
Leptacodon packi Jepsen 1930
Leptacodon proserpinae Van Valen 1978
Leptacodon tener Matthew and Granger 1921
G. †Limaconyssus Gingerich 1987
Limaconyssus habrus Gingerich 1987
G. †Myolestes Matthew 1909
Subfm. †Nyctitheriinae Simpson 1928
G. †Cryptotopos Crochet 1974
Cryptotopos beatus Crochet 1974
Cryptotopos communis Ziegler 2007
G. †Euronyctia Sigé 1997
Euronyctia belgica Smith 2006
Euronyctia franconica Ziegler 2007
Euronyctia montana Sigé 1997
Euronyctia recta Ziegler 2007
G. †Oligonyctia Smith 2004
Oligonyctia hoffmani Ziegler 2007
G. †Plagioctenodon Bown 1979
Plagioctenodon dawsonae Jones and Beard 2023
Plagioctenodon goliath Jones and Beard 2023
Plagioctenodon rosei Gingerich 1987
Plagioctenodon savagei Bown and Schankler 1982
Plagioctenodon thewisseni Manz and Bloch 2015
G. †Saturninia Stehlin 1940
Saturninia beata Crochet 1974
Saturninia carbonum Sigé and Storch 2001
Saturninia gracilis Stehlin 1940
Saturninia intermedia Sigé 1976
Saturninia mamertensis Sigé 1976
Saturninia tuberi Crochet 1995
G. †Scraeva Cray 1973
Scraeva woodi Cray 1973
Invalid names: Arvaldus Cray 1973 [synonym]
G. †Sigenyctia Smith 2006
Sigenyctia oligocaena Smith 2006
G. †Nyctitherium Marsh 1872
Nyctitherium celatus Cope 1875
Invalid names: Anaptomorphus minimus Loomis 1906 [synonym]
Nyctitherium christopheri Krishtalka and Setoguchi 1977
Nyctitherium curtidens Matthew 1909
Nyctitherium gunnelli Murphey and Kelly 2017
Nyctitherium nitidum Marsh 1872
Nyctitherium priscum Marsh 1872
Nyctitherium priscus Marsh 1872
Nyctitherium serotinum Marsh 1872
Nyctitherium velox Marsh 1872
Invalid names: Nyctilestes Marsh 1872 [synonym]
Subfm. †Placentidentinae Russell et al. 1973
G. †Ceutholestes Rose and Gingerich 1987
Ceutholestes acerbus Jones and Beard 2023
Ceutholestes dolosus Rose and Gingerich 1987
G. †Placentidens Russell et al. 1973
Placentidens lotus Russell et al. 1973
G. †Plagioctenoides Bown 1979
Plagioctenoides cryptos Jones and Beard 2023
Plagioctenoides tombowni Rose et al. 2012
G. †Pontifactor West 1974
Pontifactor bestiola West 1974
G. †Remiculus Russell 1964
Remiculus deutschi Russell 1964
G. †Wyonycteris Gingerich 1987
Wyonycteris chalix Gingerich 1987
Wyonycteris galensis Secord 2008
Wyonycteris kingi Hooker 2018
Wyonycteris microtis Secord 2008
Wyonycteris primitivus Beard and Dawson 2009
Wyonycteris richardi Smith 1995
Subfm. †Praolestinae Lopatin 2006
G. †Bumbanius Russell and Dashzeveg 1986
Bumbanius ningi Missiaen and Smith 2008
Bumbanius rarus Russell and Dashzeveg 1986
G. †Praolestes Matthew et al. 1929
Praolestes maximus Kondrashov et al. 2004
Praolestes nanus Matthew et al. 1929
G. †Protentomodon Simpson 1928
Protentomodon ursirivalis Simpson 1928
Subfm. †Talpilestinae Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Talpilestes Tong and Wang 2006
Talpilestes asiatica Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Yuanqulestes Tong 1997
Yuanqulestes qiui Tong 1997
Invalid names: Paradoxonycteris soricodon Revilliod 1919 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Oligoryctidae Asher et al. 2002
G. †Oligoryctes Hough 1956
Oligoryctes tenutalonidus Korth et al. 2022
Fm. †Parapternodontidae Asher et al. 2002
G. †Koniaryctes Robinson and Kron 1998
Koniaryctes paulus Robinson and Kron 1998
G. †Parapternodus Bown and Schankler 1982
Parapternodus antiquus Bown and Schankler 1982
Infraor. †Soricota Kalandadze and Rautian 1992
Superfm. †Nesophontoidea Anthony 1916
G. †Nesophontes Anthony 1916
Nesophontes edithae Anthony 1916 [Puerto Rican nesophontes]
Superfm. Talpoidea Fischer de Waldheim 1817
Fm. †Proscalopidae Reed 1961
G. †Mesoscalops Reed 1960
Mesoscalops montanensis Barnosky 1981
Invalid names: Arctoryctes Matthew 1907 [nomen dubium], Arctoryctes terrenus Matthew 1907 [nomen dubium]
G. †Oligoscalops Reed 1961
Invalid names: Oligoscalops whitmanensis Reed 1961 [synonym]
G. †Proscalops Matthew 1901
Proscalops evelynae Macdonald 1963
Proscalops intermedius Barnosky 1982
Proscalops miocaenus Matthew 1901
Proscalops secundus Matthew 1909
Proscalops tertius Reed 1961
Fm. Talpidae Fischer de Waldheim 1817 [mole]
G. †Anomodon Leconte 1848
Anomodon snyderi Leconte 1848
G. †Asthenoscapter Hutchison 1974
Asthenoscapter meini Hutchison 1974
G. Desmana Guldenstaedt 1777 [Russian desman]
G. †Archaeodesmana Topachevski and Pashkov 1983
Invalid names: Dibolia Rümke 1985 [synonym], Ruemkelia Rzebik-Kowalska and Pawlowski 1994 [synonym]
Desmana inflata Rümke 1985
Desmana kowalskae Rümke 1985
Desmana moschata Linnaeus 1758 [Russian desman]
Desmana nehringi Kormos 1913
Desmana pontica Schreuder 1940
Desmana pyrenaica Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1811
Desmana thermalis Kormos 1930
Invalid names: Desmagale pannonica Kretzoi 1953 [synonym], Desmana crassidens Kretzoi 1953 [synonym], Desmana tegelensis Schreuder 1940 [synonym]
Desmana verestchagini Topachevski 1961
Invalid names: Caprios Wagler 1830 [synonym], Desmagale Kretzoi 1953 [synonym], Desman Lacepede 1799 [synonym], Desmanus Rafinesque 1815 [synonym], Mygale Cuvier 1800 [synonym], Myogale Brandt 1836 [synonym], Myogalea Fischer 1829 [synonym], Palaeospalax Owen 1846 [synonym]
Subfm. Desmaninae Thomas 1912
G. †Desmanella Engesser 1972
G. Galemys Kaup 1829 [Pyrenean desman]
Invalid names: Galomys Agassiz 1846 [synonym], Mygalina Saint-Hilaire 1835 [synonym]
G. †Geomana Brunner 1957
G. †Mygalea Schreuder 1940
G. †Mygalinia Schreuder 1940
G. †Paratalpa Lavocat 1951
Invalid names: Teutonotalpa Hutchison 1974 [synonym]
Invalid names: Myogalina Mivart 1871 [synonym]
G. †Desmanodon Engesser 1980
Desmanodon antiquus Ziegler 1985
Invalid names: Desmanodon meuleni Doukas 1986 [synonym]
Desmanodon burkarti van den Hoek Ostende 1997
Desmanodon crocheti Prieto 2010
Desmanodon daamsi van den Hoek Ostende 1997
Desmanodon fluegeli Prieto 2010
Desmanodon major Engesser 1980
Desmanodon minor Engesser 1980
Desmanodon ziegleri van den Hoek Ostende 1997
G. †Domninoides Green 1956
Domninoides hessei Dalquest et al. 1996
Domninoides knoxjonesi Dalquest et al. 1996
Domninoides mimicus Wilson 1968
Domninoides platybrachys Douglass 1903
Domninoides riparensis Green 1956
Domninoides santafei Gibert 1974
Invalid names: Domninoides storeri Russell 1976 [synonym]
G. †Entomodon Marsh 1872
Entomodon comptus Marsh 1872
G. †Eotalpa Sigé et al. 1977
Eotalpa anglica Sigé et al. 1977
Eotalpa belgica Smith 2007
G. †Galeospalax Pomel 1848
G. †Geolabis Cope 1884
Geolabis rhynchaeus Cope 1884
Invalid names: Metacodon Clark 1936 [synonym]
G. †Hugueneya van den Hoek Ostende 1989
Hugueneya primitiva Hutchison 1974
G. †Hyporyssus Pomel 1848
G. †Mioscalops Ostrander et al. 1986
G. Mogera Pomel 1848
Mogera coreana Thomas 1907
Mogera insularis Swinhoe 1863 [insular mole]
Mogera wogura Temminck 1842 [Japanese mole]
G. †Mongolopala Ziegler et al. 2007
Mongolopala tathue Ziegler et al. 2007
G. Neurotrichus Günther 1880 [shrew mole]
Neurotrichus gibbsii Baird 1858 [shrew mole]
Neurotrichus polonicus Skoczen 1980
Neurotrichus skoczeni Zijlstra 2010
Invalid names: Neurotrichus minor Skoczen 1993 [replaced]
G. †Oreotalpa Lloyd and Eberle 2008
Oreotalpa florissantensis Lloyd and Eberle 2008
G. Parascalops True 1894
Parascalops breweri Bachman 1842 [hairly-tailed vole]
Parascalops fossilis Skoczen 1993
Parascalops grayensis Oberg and Samuels 2022
G. Parascaptor Gill 1875
Parascaptor leucura Blyth 1850 [White-tailed mole]
Subfm. †Proscalopinae Reed 1961
Invalid names: Arctoryctinae Reed and Turnbull 1965 [synonym]
G. †Quadrodens Macdonald 1970
Quadrodens wilsoni Macdonald 1970
Invalid names: Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis Macdonald 1970 [synonym]
Invalid names: Palaeoscalopus Macdonald 1970 [synonym]
G. Scaptochirus Milne-Edwards 1867 [Short-faced mole]
Scaptochirus moschatus Milne-Edwards 1867 [Short-faced mole]
Invalid names: Chiroscaptor Heude 1898 [synonym]
G. †Scaptogale Trouessart 1898
Invalid names: Echinogale Pomel 1848 [synonym]
Subfm. †Suleimaninae Van den Hoek Ostende 2001
G. †Suleimania Van den Hoek Ostende 2001
G. Talpa Linnaeus 1758
Talpa caeca Savi 1822 [blind mole]
Talpa episcopalis Kormos 1930
Talpa europaea Linnaeus 1758 [European mole]
Talpa fossilis Petenyi 1864
Talpa gilothi Storch 1978
Talpa gracilis Kormos 1930
Talpa minor Freudenberg 1914
Talpa minuta Blainville 1840
Talpa neagui Radulescu and Samson 1989
Talpa praeglacialis Kormos 1930
Talpa romana Thomas 1902
Talpa tenuidentata Ziegler 1990
Talpa tyrrhenica Bate 1945
Talpa vallesensis Villalta and Crusafont 1944
Invalid names: Asioscalops Stroganov 1941 [synonym], Eoscalops Stroganov 1941 [synonym], Euroscaptor Miller 1940 [synonym], Heterotalpa Peters 1863 [synonym], Talpops Gervais 1868 [synonym]
Subfm. Talpinae Fisher von Waldheim 1817
G. †Achlyoscapter Hutchison 1968
Tr. †Condylurini Trouessart 1879
G. †Magnatalpa Oberg and Samuels 2022
Tr. Scalopini Dobson 1883
Invalid names: Scapanei Winge 1917 [synonym]
Tr. Scaptonychini Van Valen 1966
Tr. Urotrichini Dobson 1883
G. †Yunoscaptor Storch and Qiu 1991
G. †Tegulariscaptor Sansalone et al. 2017
Tegulariscaptor minor Ziegler 2012
Subfm. Uropsilinae Dobson 1883
G. †Gaillardia Matthew 1932
Invalid names: Hydroscapheus Shotwell 1956 [synonym]
G. †Mystipterus Hall 1930
Invalid names: Mydecodon Wilson 1960 [synonym]
G. †Theratiskos Hoek Ostende 2001
G. Uropsilus Milne-Edwards 1871 [shrew mole]
Invalid names: Nasillus Thomas 1911 [synonym], Rhynchonax Thomas 1912 [synonym]
Invalid names: Chrysochlorina Gray 1825 [empty], Myaladae Gray 1821 [synonym], Scalopinae Gill 1875 [empty], Soricina Gray 1825 [empty], Talpina Gray 1825 [empty], Tenrecina Gray 1825 [empty], Tupaina Gray 1825 [empty]
Invalid names: Micropternodontoidea Stirton and Rensberger 1964 [empty], Solenodontoidea Gill 1972 [empty]
No diagnoses are available