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Reticularea was named by Lankester (1885). It is extant.

It was assigned to Sarkodina by Loeblich and Tappan (1961).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1885Reticularea Lankester
1961Reticularea Loeblich and Tappan

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classProtozoaGoldfuss 1820
subphylumSarcodinaSchmarda 1871
classReticulareaLankester 1885
classReticulareaLankester 1885

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cl. Reticularea Lankester 1885
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Subcl. Acantharia Haeckel 1862
Superfm. Astrolonchacea Haeckel 1881
Fm. Astrolonchidae Haeckel 1881
Subfm. Astrolonchinae Haeckel 1881
G. Dipelicophora Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Dicranophora Schewiakoff 1926 [replaced]
Superfm. Dorataspacea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Dorataspidae Haeckel 1862
G. Orophaspis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Stegaspis Haeckel 1881 [objective synonym]
Subcl. Filosia Leidy 1879
Or. Gromiida Claparède and Lachmann 1859
Superfm. Gromiacea Reuss 1862
Fm. Amphitremidae Poche 1913
G. Archerella Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Ditrema Archer 1877 [replaced]
Fm. Gromiidae Reuss 1862
G. Bargoniella Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Salpicola Bargoni 1894 [replaced]
Invalid names: Aconchulinida [empty], Xenophyophorida [empty]
Subcl. Radiolaria Müller 1858 [radiolarian]
G. Actinommura Haeckel 1887
G. †Adamas Afanasieva 2000
Adamas cathedrarius Afanasieva 2000
G. Amphicentria Ehrenberg 1862
Amphicentria salpa Ehrenberg 1862
G. †Amphicraspedum Haeckel 1882
Amphicraspedum murrayanum Haeckel 1887
G. †Anthocyrtium Haeckel 1887
G. Archiphormis Haeckel 1882
Archiphormis cancellata Ehrenberg 1854
Superfm. Archipiliacea Haeckel 1881
Fm. Artophormidae Haeckel 1881
G. †Anthocorys Haeckel 1882
Subg. Anthocorys (Cyrtocorys) Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Anthocorys (Cyrtocoris) Haeckel 1881 [replaced]
Fm. Aulosphaeridae Haeckel 1862
Subfm. Campbellellinae Loeblich and Tappan 1961
G. Campbellella Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Aulonia Haeckel 1887 [replaced]
Invalid names: Auloniinae Campbell 1954 [replaced]
Fm. Sethophatnidae Haeckel 1881
G. Tetraphormis Haeckel 1881
Fm. Stichoperidae Haeckel 1881
G. Triacartus Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Stichopilium Haeckel 1882 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Podocampida Haeckel 1887 [synonym], Stichocyrtida Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Stichopiliidae Frizzell 1951 [synonym], Tetracyrtida Haeckel 1881 [synonym], Triacartidae Campbell 1954 [synonym]
G. †Artocyrtis Haeckel 1887
G. †Astractinium Haeckel 1887
Astractinium aristotelis Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Cancellientactinia Obut and Shcherbanenko 2008
Cancellientactinia acifera Obut and Shcherbanenko 2008
G. †Cavasphaera Won and Iams 2015
Cavasphaera diversa Won and Iams 2015
Cavasphaera inaequalis Won and Iams 2015
G. Ceratastrum Haeckel 1882
Ceratastrum trochus Ehrenberg 1873
Superfm. Challengeriacea Murray 1876
Fm. Lirellidae Loeblich and Tappan 1961
G. Lirella Ehrenberg 1872
Lirella baileyi Ehrenberg 1872
Invalid names: Cadium marinum Bailey 1856 [replaced]
Invalid names: Beroetta Cleve 1899 [synonym], Cadium Bailey 1856 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cadiidae Borgert 1910 [replaced]
G. Chilomma Ehrenberg 1847
Chilomma saturnus Ehrenberg 1862
G. Clathrocircus Haeckel 1882
G. Clathrocorona Haeckel 1882
Superfm. Coccodiscacea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Ommatodiscidae Stöhr 1880
Subfm. Euchitoniinae Haeckel 1887
G. Amphibrachella Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Flustrellinae Campbell 1954
G. Flustrella Ehrenberg 1838
Invalid names: Trematodiscus Haeckel 1860 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Euchitoniidae Haeckel 1882 [synonym]
Fm. Phacodiscidae Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Heliosestrinae Haeckel 1887 [empty]
Or. Collodaria Haeckel 1881
Fm. Collosphaeridae Müller 1858
G. Buccinosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Collosphaera Müller 1855
G. Otosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Polysolenia Ehrenberg 1872
Polysolenia setosa Ehrenberg 1873
Invalid names: Acrosphaera Haeckel 1881 [objective synonym]
G. †Trisolenia Ehrenberg 1860
Invalid names: Solenosphaera Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. Siphonosphaera Müller 1858
Siphonosphaera paraphoros Matsuzaki and Suzuki 2014
Siphonosphaera streptosiphonia Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Fm. Sphaerozoidae Haeckel 1862
G. Belonozoum Haeckel 1887
G. Collozoum Haeckel 1862
G. Raphidozoum Haeckel 1862
G. Sphaerozoum Meyen 1834
Sphaerozoum minutum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Sphaerozoum patulum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Sphaerozoum priscum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Fm. Thalassosphaeridae Haeckel 1862
G. Thalassoraphis Campbell 1951
G. Thalassosphaera Haeckel 1862
G. Thalassoxantium Haeckel 1881
G. Cornutellium Haeckel 1882
G. Corythomelissa Campbell 1951
Corythomelissa corythium Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Cromyatractus Haeckel 1887
G. Cromyechinus Haeckel 1882
G. †Crucidiscus Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Crucidiscus praecursor Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Cryptoprora Ehrenberg 1847
Cryptoprora fundicola Ehrenberg 1873
G. †Cubosphaera Deflandre and Deflandre-Rigaud 1958
G. Cyrtidosphaera Haeckel 1861
G. †Cyrtophormis Haeckel 1887
G. Dictyocodon Haeckel 1882
G. Dictyospyrella Haeckel 1887
Dictyospyrella tristoma Ehrenberg 1874
G. Dictyospyrissa Haeckel 1887
Dictyospyrissa fenestra Ehrenberg 1874
G. Dipospyris Haeckel 1887
G. †Dizonium Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Dizonium laeve Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Druppatractona Haeckel 1887
Druppatractona laevis Ehrenberg 1874
G. Drymyomma Jørgensen 1900
G. †Dystympanium Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Dystympanium carbonicum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. Ethmosphaeracea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Actinommidae Haeckel 1862
G. Acanthosphaera Ehrenberg 1859
Acanthosphaera austriaca Kozur and Mostler 1979
Acanthosphaera cyclocera Deflandre 1960
Acanthosphaera hirsuta Aberdeen 1940
Acanthosphaera microspinosa Aberdeen 1940
Acanthosphaera minuta Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Acanthosphaera mocki Kozur and Mostler 1979
Acanthosphaera perspinosa Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Acanthosphaera polygonophora Deflandre 1960
Acanthosphaera robusta Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Acanthosphaera antiqua Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Acanthosphaera australis Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Acanthosphaera entactinia Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Acanthosphaera etheridgei Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Acanthosphaera laxa Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Acanthosphaera macracantha Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Actinomma Haeckel 1862
Actinomma boreale Cleve 1899
Actinomma davisensis Pessagno 1976
Actinomma frigida Kiessling 1999
Actinomma interessanta Kiessling 1999
Actinomma ishidai Sashida and Uematsu 1996
Actinomma leptodermum Jørgensen 1899
Actinomma longinggapensis Kiessling 1999
Actinomma matsuokai Sashida and Uematsu 1996
Actinomma siciliensis Kito and De Wever 1994
Actinomma tochidaniensis Sashida and Uematsu 1996
Actinomma verwirra Kiessling 1999
Invalid names: Actinomma schaebenholzianum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Astrocentrus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Astrocentrus pulcher Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Bolena Hull 1997
G. †Carinaheliosoma Kozur and Mostler 1981
Carinaheliosoma carinata Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. Carposphaera Haeckel 1881
Carposphaera aberdeenae Riedel 1963
Carposphaera equalis Aberdeen 1940
Invalid names: Carposphaera infracrinita Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Carposphaera jejuna Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Carposphaera macractinia Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Carposphaera magna Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Carposphaera nana Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Carposphaera pygmaea Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Cromyomma Haeckel 1862
Invalid names: Cromyomma grandaevum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Cromyosphaera Haeckel 1881
Cromyosphaera rotiforme Pulfrey 1932
Invalid names: Cromyosphaera alternans Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera distans Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera eminens Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera frequens Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera petschorae Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera prisca Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cromyosphaera radiata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Elatomma Haeckel 1887
G. †Haliommetta Haeckel 1887
G. Mallanites O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Perispongidium Haeckel 1881
G. Prunopyle Dreyer 1889
G. Pseudacanthosphaera O'Dogherty 1994
G. Sphaeropyle Dreyer 1889
Sphaeropyle langii Dreyer 1889
Invalid names: Sphaeropyle dreyeri Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Sphaeropyle entostoma Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Sphaeropyle eurystoma Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Sphaeropyle laevis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Sphaeropyle multangularis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Spongoplegma Haeckel 1882
Spongoplegma australe Hinde 1899
Spongoplegma brevisphaera Aberdeen 1940
Spongoplegma longispinosa Aberdeen 1940
Invalid names: Spongoplegma priscum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
G. Staurosphaera Haeckel 1881
Staurosphaera amplissima Foreman 1973
Staurosphaera antiqua Rüst 1885
Staurosphaera crassispina Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Staurosphaera fluegeli Kozur and Mostler 1979
Staurosphaera ornata Hinde 1899
Staurosphaera rotunda Aberdeen 1940
Staurosphaera sancta Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Staurosphaera fragilis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Staurosphaera quadrangularis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Staurosphaera setispina Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Staurosphaeretta Squinabol 1904
G. †Stauroxiphos Haeckel 1887
G. Stuermeria Deflandre 1964
G. Tetracanthellipsis Squinabol 1903
Tetracanthellipsis euganeus Squinabol 1903
G. †Thaisphaera Sashida and Igo 1992
G. Thecosphaera Haeckel 1881
Thecosphaera hexpenetrata Aberdeen 1940
Thecosphaera sexactis Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Thecosphaera sicula Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Thecosphaerella Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Actinomminae Takahashi 1991 [empty]
Fm. Ethmosphaeridae Haeckel 1862
Subfm. Ethmosphaerinae Haeckel 1862
G. Cenosphaera Ehrenberg 1854
Subfm. Plegmosphaerinae Haeckel 1881
G. Dictyoplegma Haeckel 1862
Invalid names: Dictyosoma Müller 1856 [replaced], Dictyosphagma Mivart 1878 [objective synonym], Spongodictyon Haeckel 1862 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cenosphaeridae Deflandre 1952 [synonym], Liosphaeridae Campbell 1954 [synonym]
Fm. Triposphaeridae Vinassa de Regny 1898
G. Vinassaia Cossmann 1900
Invalid names: Rustia Vinassa de Regny 1898 [replaced]
G. Euphysetta Cleve 1898
G. †Guttacapsa Squinabol 1903
G. †Gyrosphaera Noble and Maletz 2000
Gyrosphaera cavea Jones and Noble 2006
Gyrosphaera primigena Umeda and Suzuki 2005
Gyrosphaera raneatela Noble and Maletz 2000
Gyrosphaera siljanensis Noble and Maletz 2000
G. †Halicapsa Rüst
Invalid names: Halicapsa megapora Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Haploplus Li 1995
Haploplus qunii Li 1995
G. †Haplopolaris Li 1991
G. †Hapolpolus Li 1995
G. †Hataina Huang 1967
G. †Heliaster Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Heliosestilla Haeckel 1887
G. †Hexalastrum Rüst
Invalid names: Hexalastrum infans Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Hexaspyridium Haeckel 1887
Hexaspyridium setigera Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Hexastylidium Aberdeen
Hexastylidium variatum Aberdeen 1940
G. Hymenastromma Haeckel 1887
Hymenastromma ternarium Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Labyrinthosphaera Noble and Maletz 2000
Labyrinthosphaera lancia Jones and Noble 2006
Labyrinthosphaera lenzi Jones and Noble 2006
Labyrinthosphaera macdonaldi Noble and Maletz 2000
G. Lamprodiscus Ehrenberg 1861
Lamprodiscus monoceros Ehrenberg 1873
G. Lithamphora Popofsky 1908
G. Lithocampium Haeckel 1882
G. Lithocorythium Ehrenberg 1847
Lithocorythium galea Ehrenberg 1844
G. Lithomitrella Haeckel 1887
Lithomitrella acephalum Ehrenberg 1874
G. Lithopilium Popofsky 1913
G. Lithotympanium Haeckel 1882
G. †Lynchnocanella Clark and Campbell 1942
G. Mazosphaera Ehrenberg 1861
Mazosphaera laevis Ehrenberg 1873
G. Microlecitos Issel 1890
Microlecitos cassis Ehrenberg 1844
G. †Neoaspiculum Won and Iams 2011
Neoaspiculum amplum Won and Iams 2011
Neoaspiculum cancellium Won and Iams 2011
Neoaspiculum echinatum Won and Iams 2015
Neoaspiculum headense Won and Iams 2011
Neoaspiculum laxum Won and Iams 2011
Neoaspiculum maletziana Won and Iams 2015
Neoaspiculum transformum Won and Iams 2011
G. †Nyfrieslandia Maletz and Bruton 2007
Nyfrieslandia complicata Maletz and Bruton 2007
Nyfrieslandia crassispinosa Won and Iams 2013
Nyfrieslandia sphaeroidea Maletz and Bruton 2007
G. Octalacorys Haeckel 1887
Octalacorys aculeata Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Odontosphaera Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Odontosphaera echinocactus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Palhindeolithus Deflandre 1973
Palhindeolithus ambiguus Deflandre 1973
Palhindeolithus diductus Deflandre 1973
Palhindeolithus octostyla Dumitrica 1982
Palhindeolithus paululus Dumitrica 1982
Palhindeolithus pulcher Deflandre 1973
Palhindeolithus triassicus Dumitrica 1982
G. Panartus Haeckel 1887
G. †Parafollicucullinoides Xiao et al. 2021
Parafollicucullinoides globosus Xiao et al. 2021
G. †Pentalacorys Haeckel 1882
Pentalacorys pentacantha Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Pentinastrum Haeckel 1881
Pentinastrum subbotinae Lipman 1960
G. Peridium Haeckel 1887
G. †Peripanartus Rüst
Invalid names: Peripanartus deficiens Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Peritiviator Pessagno Jr. 1976
Peritiviator labyrinthi Pessagno 1976
Subor. †Pheodaria
Superfm. †Phaeocystina
Invalid names: Cannorhaphida [empty]
Superfm. Plagoniacea Haeckel 1881
Fm. Plectaniidae Haeckel 1881
Subfm. Tetraplectinae Haeckel 1881
G. Talariscus Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Subfm. Triplectinae Haeckel 1881
G. Plectophorina Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Plectophora Haeckel 1881 [replaced]
G. †Plagoniscus Hinde
Invalid names: Plagoniscus colligatus Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Plagoniscus cristatus Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Plagoniscus simplex Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Plagoniscus vetustus Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
Superor. Polycystina Ehrenberg 1838
Superfm. Actinommacea Haeckel 1862
Fm. †Xiphostylidae Haeckel 1881
G. †Amuria Whalen and Carter 1998
G. †Archaeocenosphaera Pessagno et al. 1989
G. †Suna Wu 1986
Invalid names: Neotripocyclia Pessagno et al. 1989 [synonym]
G. †Triactoma Rüst 1885
Invalid names: Triactis Haeckel 1881 [replaced], Triactiscus Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
G. †Trigonosphaera Feng 2004
G. †Tripocyclia Haeckel 1881
G. †Xiphostylus Haeckel 1881
G. †Zanola Pessagno et al. 1989
Invalid names: Leugeonidae Yang and Wang 1990 [empty]
Or. †Albaillellaria Deflandre 1953
Fm. †Albaillellidae Deflandre 1953
G. †Albaillella Deflandre 1952
Invalid names: Imotoella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Saturnalbaillella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Spinodeflandrella Kozur 1981 [synonym]
G. †Lapidopiscum Deflandre and Holdsworth 1958
Invalid names: Huasha Cheng 1986 [synonym]
G. †Neoalbaillella Takemura and Nakaseko 1981
G. †Protoalbaillella Cheng 1986
Fm. †Ceratoikiscidae Holdsworth 1969
G. †Campanulithus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981
G. †Ceratoikiscum Deflandre 1953
Invalid names: Xiphachistrella Deflandre 1973 [synonym]
G. †Circulaforma Cheng 1986
G. †Eoalbaillella Feng and Liu 1993
Invalid names: Paraholoeciscus Aitchison 1993 [synonym]
G. †Gansuceratoikiscum Wang et al. 2010
G. †Glanta Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. †Helenifore Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Invalid names: Durahelenifore Boundy-Sanders and Murchey 1999 [synonym], Nazaromistonella Furutani 1990 [synonym]
G. †Holoeciscus Foreman 1963
G. †Kappaforma Noble and Lenz 2007
G. †Nazarovites Afanasieva 2000
G. †Neoholoeciscus Ormiston and Lane 1976
G. †Protoceratoikiscum Goto et al. 1992
G. †Protoholoeciscus Aitchison 1993
Invalid names: Cangyuanella Feng and Liu 1993 [synonym]
G. †Raphidociclicus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981
G. †Xiphocladiella Deflandre 1973
Invalid names: Holoeciscidae Cheng 1986 [synonym], Proholoeciscus Li 1995 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Corythoecidae Nazarov 1981
G. †Arrectoalatus Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Camptoalatus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981
G. †Cornum Schwartzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
G. †Corythoecia Foreman 1963
Fm. †Follicucullidae Ormiston and Babcock 1979
G. †Follicucullus Ormiston and Babcock 1979
Invalid names: Cariver Kozur 1993 [synonym]
G. †Ishigaconus Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Lacisus Kozur 1993
G. †Parafollicucullus Holdsworth and Jones 1980
Invalid names: Curvalbaillella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Foremanconus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Haplodiacanthus Nazarov and Rudenko 1981 [synonym], Holdsworthella Kozur 1981 [synonym], Longtanella Sheng and Wang 1985 [synonym], Praeholdsworthella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Pseudoalbaillella Holdsworth and Jones 1980 [synonym]
G. †Palacantholithus Deflandre 1973
Palacantholithus crux Deflandre 1973
Palacantholithus curvativus Afanasieva 2000
Palacantholithus stellatus Deflandre 1973
G. †Xiphocabrium Deflandre 1973
Xiphocabrium aprelevkensis Afanasieva 1997
Xiphocabrium rigidum Deflandre 1973
Invalid names: Albaillellacea Cheng 1986 [empty], Palacantholithidae Kozur and Mostler 1981 [invalid subgroup]
Or. †Archaeospicularia Dumitrica et al. 2000
Fm. †Archeoentactiniidae Won, in Won and Below 1999
G. †Archeoentactinia Won and Below 1999
G. †Fungomacula Won and Below 1999
G. †Lithosphaera Won 1998
G. †Pararcheoentactinia Won and Iams 2002
G. †Sphaeroentactinia Maletz and Bruton 2007
G. †Spongomassa Won and Below 1999
Invalid names: Sphaeroentactiniidae Maletz and Bruton 2007 [synonym]
Fm. †Echidninidae Kozur et al. 1996
G. †Altaiesphaera Obut and Iwata 2000
Invalid names: Archaeocenosphaera Obut and Iwata 2000 [synonym]
G. †Cancellisphaera Won and Iams 2015
G. †Curvechidnina Won and Iams 2002
G. †Echidnina Bengtson 1986
G. †Gigantospiculum Won and Iams 2015
G. †Grosmorneus Won and Iams 2002
G. †Neoechidnina Won and Iams 2015
G. †Parechidnina Kozur et al. 1996
Invalid names: Aitchisonellum Won and Below 1999 [synonym]
G. †Subechidnina Won and Iams 2002
G. †Varispiculum Won and Iams 2015
G. †Westernbrookia Won et al. 2007
Fm. †Palaeospiculidae Won and Below 1999
G. †Neopalaeospiculum Won et al. 2007
G. †Palaeospiculum Won and Below 1999
G. †Ramuspiculum Won and Iams 2002
G. †Svalbardospiculum Maletz and Brunton 2007
Fm. †Protoentactiniidae Kozur et al. 1996
G. †Protoentactinia Kozur et al. 1996
Invalid names: Paulanoblella Kozur and Repetski 2002 [synonym]
G. †Protospongentactinia Won et al. 2007
Fm. †Secuicollactidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Beothuka Aitchison et al. 1998
G. †Diparvapila MacDonald 1998
Invalid names: Parvalanapila MacDonald 1998 [synonym]
G. †Pseudorotasphaera Noble 1994
G. †Secuicollacta Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
Invalid names: Palaeosphaera Renz 1990 [synonym], Parasecuicollacta Won et al. 2002 [synonym], Rotasphaera Noble 1994 [synonym]
Invalid names: Pseudorotasphaeridae Noble 1994 [synonym]
Invalid names: Echidninacea Kozur et al. 1996 [empty], Secuicollactacea Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [empty]
Or. †Entactinaria Kozur and Mostler 1982
G. †Aciferopylorum Nazarov and Ormiston 1990
Aciferopylorum admirandum Nazarov and Ormiston 1990
G. †Braginella Sugiyama 1997
Fm. †Centrocubidae Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Arachnostylus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Arcicubulus Dumitrica 1983
G. Centrocubus Haeckel 1887
G. Diplospongus Mast 1910
G. Excentroconcha Mast 1910
G. Gonosphaera Jorgensen 1905
G. Lonchosphaera Popofsky 1908
G. †Marianasphaera Li et al. 2011
G. †Octodendron Haeckel 1887
G. Pessagnulus Dumitrica 1983
G. Solicubulus Dumitrica 1983
G. †Welirella Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Cromyostylus Ormiston and Lane 1976
Cromyostylus variabilis Ormiston and Lane 1976
G. †Ellisus Carter 2007
Invalid names: Harsa Carter [replaced]
Fm. †Entactiniidae Riedel 1967
G. †Afanasievella Nestell and Nestell 2010
G. †Apophysiactinia Won 1997
Subfm. †Astroentactiniinae Riedel 1967
Subfm. †Bientactinosphaerinae Afanasieva 1999
G. †Borisella Afanasieva 2000
G. †Callela Won 1983
G. †Cancellosphaera Afanasieva 2000
G. †Costaentactinia Seo and Won 2009
G. †Cubaxonium Haeckel 1887
G. †Duodecimentactinia Won 1997
G. †Duplexia Won 1983
Subfm. †Entactiniinae Riedel 1967
G. †Entactinosphaera Foreman 1963
Invalid names: Belowea [synonym], Stolbergia Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Thecentactinia Nazarov 1975 [synonym]
G. †Fenestrula Yeh 1995
G. †Gracilentactinia Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Hegleria Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Holdisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Involutentactinia Jones and Noble 2006
G. †Kashiwara Sashida and Tonishi 1985
G. †Klaengspongus Sashida 2000
G. †Lententactinia Dumitrica 2013
G. †Magnentactinia Won 1997
G. †Magnisphaera Won 1997
G. †Megaporus Feng 2006
G. †Microporosa Afanasieva and Amon 2016
G. †Moskovistella Afanasieva 2000
G. †Multientactinia Won 1997
G. †Munzuwonella Afanasieva 2009
Invalid names: Wonella Afanasieva 2000 [replaced]
G. †Oruatemanua Takemura and Aono 2007
G. †Paracopicyntra Feng et al. 2006
G. †Paratriposphaera Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Perforentactinia Jones and Noble 2006
G. †Plenoentactinia Won 1997
G. †Plenosphaera Park and Won 2012
Invalid names: Spongosphaera Won 1997 [replaced]
G. †Pluristratoentactinia Nazarov 1981
Invalid names: Meschedea Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Polyedroentactinia Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Provisocyntra Nazarov and Ormiston 1987
G. †Radiobisphaera Won 1997
G. †Retentactinia Won 1997
G. †Retisphaera Won 1997
G. †Shinkaiera Li et al. 2011
G. †Sinosphaera Feng 2004
G. †Spongentactinia Nazarov 1975
G. †Stigmosphaerostylus Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Apophysisphaera Won 1997 [synonym], Astroentactinia Nazarov 1975 [synonym], Entactinia Foreman 1963 [synonym], Inaequalientactinia Won 1991 [synonym], Palaeoxyphostylus Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Stygmosphaerostylus Rüst 1892
G. †Tardentactinia Dumitrica 2013
G. †Trilonche Hinde 1899
Invalid names: Bientactinosphaera Afanasieva 2000 [synonym], Bisphaera Won 1997 [synonym], Druppalonche Hinde 1899 [synonym], Duosphaera Won 1998 [synonym], Ornatoentactinia Afanasieva 2000 [synonym], Staurodruppa Hinde 1899 [synonym]
G. †Uberinterna Sashida and Tonishi 1988
G. †Wuyia Feng 2006
Invalid names: Retentactiniinae Won 1997 [empty], Spongentactiniidae Nazarov 1975 [synonym]
Fm. †Eptingiidae Dumitrica 1978
G. †Capnuchospyris Dumitrica et al. 2010
G. †Charlottea Carter et al. 1998
G. †Coronatubopyle Kozur and Mostler 2006
G. †Cryptostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Divatella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Eptingium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Ferresium Blome 1984
G. †Perisphyridium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Perispyridium Dumitrica 1978
Invalid names: Protoperispyridium Yeh 1987 [synonym]
G. †Pylostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Spongostephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Tozerium Carter et al. 1998
G. †Triassistephanidium Dumitrica 1978
G. †Triassolaguncula Dumitrica et al. 2010
G. †Veleptingium Dumitrica et al. 2010
G. †Xenorum Blome 1984
Fm. †Haplentactiniidae Nazarov 1980
G. †Arcoclathrata Afanasieva and Amon 2016
G. †Bissylentactinia Nazarov 1975
G. †Haplentactinia Foreman 1963
Invalid names: Arrhinella Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
Subfm. †Pseudorotasphaerinae Noble 1994
G. †Syntagentactinia Nazarov 1980
Invalid names: Haplactiniinae Nazarov 1980 [empty], Haplentactiniinae Nazarov 1980 [empty]
Fm. †Heptacladidae Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Heptacladus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Parentactinosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Komoella Lahm 1984 [synonym], Pseudoheptacladus Lahm 1984 [synonym]
G. †Pseudosepsagon Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Stauropylissa Dumitrica 1989
G. †Weverisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Livinalongella Lahm 1984 [synonym]
Fm. †Hexalonchidae Haeckel 1881
G. Cleveiplegma Dumitrica 2013
G. Hexacontium Haeckel 1881
G. Hexalonche Haeckel 1881
G. Hollandosphaera Deflandre 1973
G. Nanina Kozur and Mostler 1982
Invalid names: Pentactinosphaera Nagata and Nishimura 1983 [synonym]
G. Tetrapetalon Hollande and Enjumet 1960
Fm. †Hexastylidae Haeckel 1881
G. Centracontium Popofsky 1912
G. Centrolonche Popofsky 1912
G. Hexastylus Haeckel 1881
G. Stigmosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Stigmosphaerusa Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Stigmostylus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
Fm. †Hindeosphaeridae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Hindeosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Muelleritortis Kozur 1988
Invalid names: Pentatortis Kozur 1988 [synonym]
G. †Mulderella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Parasepsagon Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Pseudostylosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Sepsagon Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Tritortis Kozur 1988
Fm. †Hollandocachoniidae Dumitrica 2013
G. †Hollandocachonia Dumitrica 2013
G. †Sphaerentofurca Dumitrica 2013
G. †Spongentofurca Dumitrica 2013
G. †Stylentofurca Dumitrica 2013
G. †Zuegelifurca Dumitrica 2013
Fm. †Inaniguttidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Fusalfanus Furutani 1990
G. †Inanibigutta Nazarov 1988
G. †Inanigutta Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Inanihella Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
G. †Oriundogutta Nazarov 1988
G. †Induropilarius Ters and Deflandre 1966
Induropilarius aenigmaticus Ters and Deflandre 1966
Fm. †Isometractiniidae Dumitrica 2013
G. †Isometractinia Dumitrica 2013
G. †Kahlerosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
Kahlerosphaera abnormis Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera faludyi Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera hamvasi Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera karinthyi Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera kerteszi Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera koestleri Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera longispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
Kahlerosphaera norica Kozur and Mock 1981
Kahlerosphaera pamuki Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera parvispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
Kahlerosphaera rejtoei Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera szerbi Kozur et al. 2007
Kahlerosphaera vonneguti Kozur et al. 2007
Fm. †Kungalariidae Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Cachecreekaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Kungalaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
G. †Pentabelus Sugiyama 1992
Invalid names: Tetrarhopalus Sugiyama 1992 [synonym]
G. †Transylvanaria Dumitrica and Carter 1999
Fm. †Multiarcusellidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
Subfm. †Austrisaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1983
Subfm. †Multiarcusellinae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Triarcella Kozur and Mock 1981
Fm. †Odoghertitidae Dumitrica 2013
G. †Odoghertites Dumitrica 2013
Fm. †Palaeolithocycliidae Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Palaeolithocyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
Invalid names: Eostylodictya Ormiston and Lane 1976 [synonym], Palaeoastrocyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972 [synonym], Spaerodiscus Won 1983 [synonym], Sphaerodiscus Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Paramphibrachium Kozur and Mostler 1978
Invalid names: Gedauia Won 1983 [synonym]
G. †Palaeopentactinorbis Kozur and Mostler 1989
Palaeopentactinorbis longispinosus Kozur and Mostler 1989
Fm. †Palaeoscenidiidae Riedel 1967
G. †Deflantrica Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. †Holdsworthum Furutani 1990
G. †Insolitignum MacDonald 1999
G. †Pactarentinia Furutani 1983
G. †Palaeodecaradium Goodbody 1986
Invalid names: Palaeotripus Goodbody 1986 [synonym]
G. †Palaeoephippium Goodbody 1986
Invalid names: Palaeotrifidus Renz 1990 [synonym]
G. †Palaeopyramidium Goodbody 1986
G. †Palaeoscenidium Deflandre 1953
Invalid names: Goodbodium Furutani 1990 [synonym]
G. †Palaeothalomnus Deflandre 1973
G. †Parentactinia Dumitrica 1978
G. †Praesaturnalis Li 1994
Invalid names: Palaeoumbraculum Amon et al. 1995 [synonym]
G. †Procyrtis Li 1995
G. †Tlecerina Furutani 1983
Invalid names: Fukujius Furutani 1990 [nomen dubium], Parentactiniidae Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
Fm. †Pentactinocarpidae Dumitrica 1978
G. †Busuanga Yeh 1990
G. †Lobactinocapsa Dumitrica 1978
G. †Pentactinocapsa Dumitrica 1978
G. †Pentactinocarpus Dumitrica 1978
Invalid names: Oertlisphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979 [synonym], Praedruppatractylis Kozur and Mostler 1979 [synonym]
G. †Pentactinorbis Dumitrica 1978
Fm. †Polyentactiniidae Nazarov 1975
G. †Cuboctostylus Bragnia 1999
G. †Pyloctostylus Dumitrica 1994
Fm. †Proventocitidae Aitchison 1998
G. †Archeoproventocitum Won et al. 2007
G. †Cowheadia Won et al. 2007
G. †Etymalbaillella Li 1995
G. †Protoproventocitum Won et al. 2007
G. †Proventocitum Nazarov 1988
Fm. †Pylentonemidae Deflandre 1963
G. †Polyentactinia Foreman 1963
G. †Pylentonema Deflandre 1963
G. †Quadrapesus Cheng 1986
Fm. †Quinquecapsulariidae Dumitrica 1995
G. †Empirea Carter et al. 1998
G. †Quinquecapsularia Pessagno 1972
G. †Radium Yeh 1989
Radium pessagnoi Yeh 1989
Fm. †Rhizosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. †Elatommura Haeckel 1887
G. †Haliommilla Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Actinosphaera Hollande and Enjumet 1960 [synonym]
G. †Rhizosphaera Haeckel 1860
Fm. Saturnalidae Deflandre 1953
Subfm. Axopruninae Dumitrica 1983
Subfm. †Heliosaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1972
Subfm. †Hexasaturnalinae Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Liassosatumalis Kozur and Mostler 1990
G. †Mesosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Palaeosatumalis Donofrio and Mostler 1978
G. †Praemesosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1981
Subfm. Saturnalinae Deflandre 1953
G. Saturnalis Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Spongosaturnaloididae Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Ploechingerella Kozur and Mostler 1983
G. †Spongosaturnaloides Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Staurolonchidium Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Staurolonchidium obliquum Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
G. †Stylodiscus Rüst
Stylodiscus dictyosus Rüst 1892
Fm. †Tetrentactiniidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
Tr. †Tetrentactiniini Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. †Thalassothamnidae Haecker 1906
G. †Conostylus Popofsky 1907
G. †Cytocladus Schröder 1906
G. †Thalassothamnus Haecker 1906
G. †Triassothamnus Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Archaeothamnulus Dumitrica 1982 [synonym]
G. †Triposphaera Hinde
Triposphaera dumitricai Kozur and Mostler 1989
Triposphaera maxima Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Triposphaera permica Kozur and Mostler 1989
Triposphaera tetrasphaera Kozur and Mostler 1989
Triposphaera tribrachiata Kozur and Mostler 1989
Triposphaera uralica Kozur and Mostler 1989
Triposphaera woni Kozur and Mostler 1989
Invalid names: Triposphaera armata Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Triposphaera densa Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Triposphaera hastata Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Triposphaera peachii Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Triumbraculidae Dumitrica 2013
G. †Triumbraculum Dumitrica 2013
Invalid names: Cyclocarpus Li and Wang 1991 [nomen dubium], Helioentactinia Nazarov 1975 [nomen dubium], Paleoxiphosphaera Nazarov 1973 [nomen dubium], Protoentactiniacea Kozur et al. 1996 [empty]
Or. †Latentifistularia Caridroit et al. 1999
Fm. †Cauletellidae Caridroit et al.
G. †Cauletella Caridroit et al. 1999
Invalid names: Deflandrella Loeblich and Tappan 1961 [replaced], Kimagior Sugiyama 2000 [objective synonym]
G. †Foremanhelena De Wever and Caridroit 1984
Invalid names: Triplanospongus Sashida and Tonishi 1988 [synonym]
G. †Ishigaum De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Praedeflandrella Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Pseudotormentus De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Shangella Feng et al. 2006
G. †Triplanospongos Sashida and Tonishi 1988
Invalid names: Trifidospongus Noble and Renne 1990 [synonym]
Invalid names: Deflandrellidae De Wever and Caridroit 1984 [replaced], Kimagioridae Sugiyama 2000 [synonym]
G. †Gustefana Kozur 1993
Fm. †Latentifistulidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Areolicaudatus Feng 1992
G. †Brianellium Cheng 1986
G. †Latentibifistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Invalid names: Triacanthofenestrella Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [synonym], Triactofenestrella Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [synonym]
G. †Latentifistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
Invalid names: Ouaka Cheng 1986 [synonym], Trilacertus Cheng 1986 [synonym], Wonella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Staurentactinia Schwartzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
Invalid names: Archaeopyramisidae Cheng 1986 [synonym], Ouakidae Cheng 1986 [synonym]
Fm. †Ormistonellidae De Wever and Caridroit 1984
G. †Haploaxon Cordey 1998
G. †Ormistonella De Wever and Caridroit 1984
Invalid names: Paulianella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Polyfistula Nazarov and Ormiston 1984
Invalid names: Cornellus Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym], Nabespecha Cornell and Simpson 1986 [synonym]
G. †Quadricaulis Caridroit and De Wever 1986
Invalid names: Nazarovella De Wever and Caridroit 1984 [synonym], Quadriremis Nazarov and Ormiston 1985 [synonym], Raciditor Sugiyama 2000 [synonym]
G. †Quinqueremis Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Wangia Feng 1993
G. †Palaeoellipsoides Afanasieva and Amon
Palaeoellipsoides convexocylindratus Afanasieva and Amon 2012
Palaeoellipsoides planoconvexus Afanasieva and Amon 2012
Fm. †Pseudolitheliidae Kozur and Mostler 1989
G. †Grandetortura Sashida and Tonishi 1991
G. †Octatormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Invalid names: Pseudolithelius Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
Invalid names: Grandetorturidae Sashida and Tonishi 1991 [synonym]
Fm. †Ruzhencevispongidae Kozur 1980
G. †Latentidiota Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Rectotormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Ruzhencevispongus Kozur 1980
Invalid names: Nazarovispongus Kozur 1980 [synonym], Patrickella Kozur and Mostler 1989 [synonym]
G. †Tormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1983
G. †Wonia Ozdikmen 2009
Invalid names: Scharfenbergia Won 1983 [replaced]
Invalid names: Tormentidae Nazarov and Ormiston 1983 [synonym]
G. †Tetraspongentactinia Won and Seo 2010
Tetraspongentactinia triporosa Won and Seo 2010
Fm. †Tetratormentidae Nestell and Nestell 2010
G. †Mostlerispongus Kozur 1993
G. †Quadrilobata Wang 1995
G. †Tetragregnon Ormiston and Lane 1976
Invalid names: Archaeopyramisa Cheng 1986 [synonym], Tetracircinata Nazarov and Ormiston 1984 [synonym], Tetraspongoactinia Won 1998 [synonym]
G. †Tetratormentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Or. Nassellaria Ehrenberg 1875
Superfm. Acanthodesmiacea Hertwig 1879
Fm. Acanthodesmiidae Hertwig 1879
Fm. Artostrobiidae Riedel 1967
Fm. †Bulbocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
Fm. Cannobotryidae Haeckel 1881
Fm. Carpocaniidae Haeckel 1881
Fm. Cuniculiformidae De Wever 1982
Fm. †Monicastericidae Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. Paratympanidae Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Planispinocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
Fm. Pterocorythidae Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Rotaformidae Pessagno 1970
Fm. Sethophormididae Haeckel 1881
Fm. Spongolophophenidae Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. †Spongosilicarmigeridae De Wever et al. 2001
Fm. Stephaniidae Haeckel 1887
Fm. Theopiliidae Haeckel 1881
Fm. Triospyrididae Haeckel 1881
G. †Acotripus
Fm. Acropyramididae Haeckel 1881
G. Artostrobus Haeckel 1887
G. Bathropyramis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Acropyramis Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Celluronta Sugiyama 1997
G. Cinclopyramis Haeckel 1879
G. Cladarachnium Haeckel 1881
G. Cornutella Ehrenberg 1838
G. Dictyodedalus O'Dogherty 1994
G. Haliphormartidium Campbell 1951
G. Litharachnium Haeckel 1860
Invalid names: Litharachnidium Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym]
G. Peripyramis Haeckel 1881
G. Polypleuris Haeckel 1887
G. Sethopyramis Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Sestropyramis Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym]
G. †Afens Riedel and Sanfilippo 1974
Afens liriodes Riedel and Sanfilippo 1974
Superfm. †Amphipyndacea Riedel 1967
Fm. †Amphipyndacidae Riedel 1967
Fm. †Canoptidae Pessagno et al. 1979
Fm. †Parvicingulidae Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Spongocapsulidae Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Syringocapsidae Foreman 1973
Fm. †Anisicyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Anisicyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Zevius Sugiyama [synonym]
G. Anthocyrtoma Haeckel 1887
Anthocyrtoma serrulata Ehrenberg 1874
Superfm. †Archaeodictyomitracea Pessagno 1976
Fm. †Archaeodictyomitridae Pessagno 1976
Fm. †Bagotidae Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
Fm. †Hsuidae Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982
Fm. †Unumidae Kozur 1984
Fm. †Archaeosemantidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Archaeosemantis Dumitrica 1982
G. †Nandartia Dumitrica 2004
G. †Tandarnia Dumitrica 1982
Fm. †Archocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Archocyrtium Deflandre 1972
G. †Cerarchocyrtium Deflandre 1973
G. †Cyrtisphaeractenium Deflandre 1972
G. †Cyrtisphaeronemium Deflandre 1972
G. †Deflandrellium Cheng 1986
G. †Mostlerium Cheng 1986
G. †Pararchocyrtium Deflandre 1972
G. †Robotium Cheng 1986
G. †Ares De Wever 1982
Ares armatus De Wever 1982
Ares avirostrum Gorican et al. 2006
Ares cuniculiformis Gorican et al. 2006
Ares mexicoensis Whalen and Carter 2002
Ares moresbyensis Carter et al. 1998
Ares sutherlandi Carter et al. 1998
Ares takemurai Gorican et al. 2006
Invalid names: Parares Takemura 1986 [synonym]
G. Artoperina Campbell 1951
Artoperina loxia Ehrenberg 1854
G. Artostrobium Haeckel 1887
Artostrobium aurita Ehrenberg 1844
Artostrobium tina Foreman 1971
Artostrobium urna Foreman 1971
G. †Ayrtonius Sugiyama 1997
Ayrtonius elizabethae Sugiyama 1997
Fm. †Barbutidae Yeh 2011
G. †Barbuta Yeh 2011
G. †Belleza Hull 1997
G. Botryocella Haeckel 1887
Botryocella nucula Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Canelonus Hull 1997
Canelonus conus Hull 1997
G. †Canesium
G. †Carterwhalenia Gorican et al. 2006
Carterwhalenia minai Whalen and Carter 2002
G. Cladospyris Ehrenberg 1846
Cladospyris ramosa Ehrenberg 1874
G. †Confiroma
Fm. †Crubidae Yeh 1987
G. †Crubus Yeh 1987
Cryptopora curiosa Cooper 1973
Cryptopora hesperis Cooper 1982
Cryptopora maldiviensis Muir-Wood 1959
Fm. †Cuniculiformiidae De Wever 1982
G. †Cassideus Pessagno 1969
G. †Cuniculiformis De Wever 1982
Invalid names: Cyrtocalpis obtusa Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cyrtocalpis prima Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Cyrtocalpis serieporata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Cyrtoidea Haeckel 1862
Fm. †Deflandrecyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Caphtorocyrtium Bragin and Krylov 1999
G. †Deflandrecyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Dreyericyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Haeckelicyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Hetalum Yeh 1989
G. †Tricornicyrtium Tekin 1999
Fm. †Diacanthocapsidae O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Theocapsomella O'Dogherty et al. 2006
G. †Theocapsommella O'Dogherty et al. 2006
G. Dictyospyris Ehrenberg 1846
Dictyospyris trilobata Ehrenberg 1854
Invalid names: Dictyospyris ceratospyris Ehrenberg 1873 [nomen nudum]
G. †Distylocapsa O'Dogherty 1904
Superfm. †Eucyrtidiacea Ehrenberg 1847
Fm. †Bekomidae De Wever et al. 2001
Fm. Eucyrtidiidae Ehrenberg 1847
Fm. †Eucyrtiidae Ehrenberg 1847
Invalid names: Theoperidae Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
Fm. Lophocyrtiidae De Wever et al. 2001
Fm. †Obeliscoitidae O'Dogherty 1994
Fm. †Pseudodictyomitridae Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Theocotylidae Petrushevskaya 1981
Fm. †Xitidae Pessagno 1977
Fm. †Eucyrtidiellidae Takemura
G. †Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner 1984
G. †Natoba Pessagno and Poisson 1981
G. †Raoultius De Wever 1982
G. †Ewingella
Fm. †Farcidae Pessagno et al. 1986
G. †Farcus Pessagno et al. 1986
Fm. †Foremanellinidae Dumitrica 1982
G. †Foremanellina Dumitrica 1982
G. †Recoaroella Dumitrica 1982
G. †Riedelius De Wever 1982
G. †Sanniopileus Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. †Foremania Carter et al. 1998
Foremania sandilandsensis Carter et al. 1998
G. †Foremaniella Deflandre 1973
Foremaniella helenae Deflandre 1973
G. †Globolaxtorum Carter 1993
Globolaxtorum cristatum Carter 1993
Globolaxtorum tozeri Carter 1993
G. Glycobotrys Campbell 1951
Glycobotrys geminata Ehrenberg 1874
G. Haliphormis Ehrenberg 1846
Haliphormis calva Ehrenberg 1954
Fm. †Hexapylocapsidae Dumitrica and Zuegel 1998
G. †Hexapylocapsa Dumitrica and Zuegel 1998
Fm. †Hilarisiregidae Takemura and Nakaseko 1982
G. †Diceratigalea Takemura and Nakaseko 1982
Invalid names: Rolumbus Pessagno et al. 1986 [synonym]
G. †Hilarisirex Takemura and Nakaseko 1982
G. †Homeoarchicorys Empson-Morin 1981
Homeoarchicorys eiformigum Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Japonocampe Kozur 1984
Japonocampe nova Yao 1982
G. †Kassina
G. †Krempelinella Empson-Morin 1981
Krempelinella kronenartiga Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Kuppelella Empson-Morin 1981
Kuppelella cayeuxi Squinabol 1903
G. †Laxuscingula Yeh 2009
Laxuscingula obesa Takemura 1982
G. Lithobotrys Ehrenberg 1844
Lithobotrys quadriloba Ehrenberg 1844
G. Lithomitra Bütschli 1882
Subg. Lithomitra (Lithomitrissa) Haeckel 1887
Lithomitra pachyderma Ehrenberg 1874
G. Lithornithium Ehrenberg 1847
Lithornithium hirundo Ehrenberg 1840
Fm. †Livarellidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Citriduma De Wever 1982
Invalid names: Kozuria Zhang 1990 [synonym]
G. †Livarella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Praecitriduma Kozur 1984
G. Lophoconus Haeckel 1887
Lophoconus antilope Ehrenberg 1872
Fm. Lophophaenidae Haeckel 1881
G. Amphiplecta Haeckel 1881
G. Antarctissa Petrushevskaya 1967
G. Arachnocorallium Haeckel 1887
G. Arachnocorys Haeckel 1860
G. Archiperidium Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Cryptogyrus Sugiyama 1993 [synonym]
G. †Archipilium Haeckel 1887
G. Botryopera Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Trisulcus Popofsky 1913 [synonym]
G. Ceratocyrtis Bütschli 1882
G. Dictyocephalus Ehrenberg 1860
Invalid names: Dictyocryphalus Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym]
G. Dimelissa Campbell 1951
G. Lampromitra Haeckel 1881
G. Lamprotripus Haeckel 1881
G. Lophophaena Ehrenberg 1847
G. Lophophaenoma Haeckel 1887
G. Marimoum Funakawa 1994
G. †Ovum De Wever 1982
G. Peromelissa Haeckel 1881
G. Phormacantha Jorgensen 1905
G. Plectacantha Jorgensen 1905
G. Pseudocubus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Obeliscus Popofsky 1913 [synonym]
G. Pseudodictyophimus Petrushevskaya 1971
G. Steganocubus Sugiyama 1993
G. Syscioscenium Sugiyama 1992
G. Tripodocyrtis Funakawa 1994
G. †Minutusolla Yeh 2009
Minutusolla yaoi Yeh 2009
G. †Monosera
G. †Mostlericyrtium Tekin 1999
Fm. †Nabolellidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Fueloepicyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Nabolella Petrushevskaya 1981
Invalid names: Squinabolella Kozur and Mostler 1979 [replaced]
Fm. †Nabollellidae Dumitrica 2001
G. †Acuticassis Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
Fm. †Neosciadiocapsidae Pessagno 1969
G. †Coniforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Ewingium Pessagno 1976
G. †Lipmanium Pessagno 1969
G. †Microsciadiocapsa Pessagno 1969
G. †Neosciadiocapsa Pessagno 1969
G. †Petasiforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Reticulotubulus Takemura 1986
G. †Sciadiocapsa Squinabol 1904
G. †Scyphiforma Pessagno 1969
G. †Squinabolella Pessagno 1969
G. †Perseus Takemura and Nakaseko 1983
Perseus tingoensis Suzuki et al. 2002
Invalid names: Phaenoscenium excentricum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Phormocampe Haeckel 1887
Fm. †Plagiacanthidae Hertwig 1879
G. Helotholus Jørgensen 1905
G. Mitrocalpis Haeckel 1882
Subfm. Plagiacanthinae Hertwig 1879
G. Pteroscenium Haeckel 1882
Subfm. †Zaldacriinae Dumitrica 2004
Subfm. †Zamolxinae Dumitrica 1982
Fm. Plagoniidae Haeckel 1881
G. Lithomelissa Ehrenberg 1847
Invalid names: Acromelissa Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym]
G. Mitracalpis Haeckel 1881
G. †Platycryphalus Rüst 1885
Fm. †Popofskyellidae Deflandre 1964
G. †Cyrtentactinia Foreman 1963
G. †Kantollum Cheng 1986
Subfm. †Popofskyellinae Cheng 1986
G. †Totollum Schwarzapfel and Holdsworth 1996
G. †Tuscaritellum Deflandre 1972
Fm. †Poulpidae De Wever 1981
G. †Eonapora Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Hozmadia Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Neopylentonema Kozur 1984
G. †Parapoulpus Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Poulpus De Wever 1979
Invalid names: Annulopoulpus Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym], Veghia Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Saitoum Pessagno 1977
G. †Saitulpus Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. †Triassobipedis Kozur 1984
Fm. †Pseudosaturniformidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Pseudosatumiforma Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Pseudosaturniforma Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Quarkus Pessagno, Jr. et al. 1993
G. †Religa Whalen and Carter 2002
Religa globosa Whalen and Carter 2002
Fm. †Ruesticyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Annulotriassocampe Kozur 1994
G. †Elbistanium Tekin and Bedi 2007
G. †Nevanellus Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Pararuesticyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Paratriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Pseudotriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Ruesticyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Veloruesticyrtium Kozur et al. 2007 [synonym]
G. †Striatotriassocampe Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Triassocampe Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Xiphotheca De Wever 1979
G. †Yeharaia Nakaseko and Nishimura 1979
Fm. †Sanfilippoellidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Sanfilippoella Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Spinopoulpus Kozur and Mock 1981
G. †Senelella Tekin 1999
Senelella claviformis Kozur et al. 2007
Senelella elongata Kozur et al. 2007
Senelella foezyi Kozur et al. 2007
Senelella inflata Kozur et al. 2007
Senelella mersinensis Kozur et al. 2007
Senelella spinellifera Bragin and Krylov 1999
Senelella triassica Tekin 1999
Invalid names: Hypoxiphothecaella Kozur et al. 2007 [synonym]
Fm. †Sethocapsidae Haeckel 1881
G. †Arcanicapsa Takemura 1986
G. †Archicapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Gongylothorax Foreman 1968
G. Heliocryptocapsa Dumitrica 1970
G. Homoeoarchicorys Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Kilinora Hull 1997
G. †Plicaforacapsa O'Dogherty et al. 2006
G. Sethocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. Stylocapsa Principi 1909
G. †Yaocapsa Kozur 1984
Invalid names: Sethocyrtis excisa Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Sethodiscus Haeckel 1882
Sethodiscus radiatum Ehrenberg 1854
Invalid names: Sethodiscus chudleighensis Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Sethoperidae Haeckel 1881
G. Callimitra Haeckel 1881
G. Cladoscenium Haeckel 1882
G. Clathrocanium Ehrenberg 1860
G. Clathrocorys Haeckel 1882
G. Pteropilium Haeckel 1881
G. Sethopera Haeckel 1881
G. Tripodiscinus Haeckel 1887
G. †Turriseiffelus Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. Verticillata Popofsky 1913
G. †Solidea Carter et al. 1998
Solidea hillhousei Carter et al. 1998
Fm. †Spinomersinellidae Kozur et al. 2007
G. †Spinomersinella Kozur et al. 2007
Spongomelissa adunca Sanfilippo and Riedel 1973
Subor. Spyrida Ehrenberg 1847
Fm. Trissocyclidae Goll 1968
Fm. †Stampfliellidae Kozur et al. 2007
G. †Stampfliella Kozur et al. 2007
G. †Syringium
Fm. †Telacapsulidae Yeh 2009
G. †Telacapsula Yeh 2009
Fm. †Tertoniidae Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. †Tertonium Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. †Toritenum Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
Fm. †Tetraspinocyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Lysemelas Sugiyama 1997
G. †Tetraspinocyrtis Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Thetisolala De Wever and O'Dogherty 2007
Thetisolala oblonga De Wever 1982
Thetisolala stolata De Wever 1982
Thetisolala undulata De Wever 1982
Invalid names: Thetis De Wever 1982 [replaced]
G. †Trexus Carter et al. 1998
Trexus dodgensis Carter et al. 1998
Fm. †Triassocampidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Papiliocampe Tekin 1999
G. †Triassocyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1979
Triassocyrtium hamatum Kozur and Mostler 1979
Triassocyrtium longum Tekin and Mostler 2005
Fm. †Tripedurnulidae Dumitrica 1991
G. †Baratuna Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Pseudopoulpus Takemura 1986
G. †Takoum Takemura 1986
G. †Tridentocyrtis Steiger and Steiger 1994
G. †Tripedocassis Dumitrica 1991
G. †Tripedocorbis Dumitrica 1991
G. †Tripedurnula Dumitrica 1991
G. †Turanta Pessagno and Blome 1982
Invalid names: Tripilidium dissociatum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Ultranaporidae Pessagno 1977
G. †Anaticapitula Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. †Bipedis De Wever 1982
Invalid names: Parabipedis Yeh and Cheng 1996 [synonym]
G. †Dumitricaella De Wever 1982
G. †Hinedorcus Dumitrica et al. 1980
Invalid names: Alatipicapora Tekin 1999 [synonym]
G. Lychnocanoma Haeckel 1887
G. Muellericyrtium Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Napora Pessagno 1977
Invalid names: Jacus De Wever 1982 [synonym], Ultranapora Pessagno 1977 [synonym]
G. †Naropa Gorican et al. 2006
G. Picapora Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Poculinapora Dumitrica and Zügel 2003
G. Pterocanium Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Silicarmiger Dumitrica et al. 1980
Invalid names: Tirodella Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Trialatus Yeh 1990
Fm. †Williriedellidae Dumitrica 1970
G. †Cryptamphorella Dumitrica 1970
G. †Excentropylomma Dumitrica 1970
G. †Helvetocapsa O'Dogherty et al. 2006
G. †Hemicryptocapsa Tan Sin Hok 1927
Invalid names: Praezhamoidellum Kozur 1984 [synonym]
G. †Hiscocapsa O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Holocryptocanium Dumitrica 1970
G. †Holocryptocapsa Tan Sin Hok 1927
G. †Immersothorax Dumitrica 1970
G. †Kozurium Pessagno 1977
G. †Minocapsa Matsuoka 1991
G. †Praewilliriedellum Kozur 1984
G. †Striatojaponocapsa Kozur 1984
G. Tricolocapsa Haeckel 1881
G. †Trisyringium Vinassa de Regny 1901
G. †Williriedellum Dumitrica 1970
G. †Zhamoidellum Dumitrica 1970
Invalid names: Complexapora Kiessling and Zeiss 1992 [synonym]
G. †Windalia Ellis 1993
Windalia epiplatys Renz 1974
G. †Xipha Blome 1984
Invalid names: Nakasekoellus Kozur 1984 [synonym]
Fm. †Xiphothecaellidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Xiphothecaella De Wever and O’Dogherty 2007
Invalid names: Hsuuidae Pessagno, Jr. and Whalen 1982 [empty], Muellericyrtiidae Kozur and Mostler 1981 [empty], Stichocapsidae Haeckel 1881 [empty]
G. †Protobiramus Won and Below 1999
Protobiramus biaxialus Won and Below 1999
G. †Praespongocoelia Noble
G. †Priscilatentidiota Li 1995
G. †Prismatium Rüst
Invalid names: Prismatium paradictyum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Protocystis Wallich 1862
G. †Protosegmentum Wang 2008
G. †Prunulum Rüst
Invalid names: Prunulum armeniacum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Prunulum murrayi Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Pseudostaurosphaera Krasheninnikov 1960
G. Psilomelissa Haeckel 1882
Psilomelissa galeatus Ehrenberg 1873
G. Pteractis Ehrenberg 1873
Pteractis elegans Ehrenberg 1873
G. Pylosphaera Ehrenberg 1858
Pylosphaera mediterranea Ehrenberg 1858
G. †Retientactinosphaera Afanasieva 2011
Retientactinosphaera clavata Afanasieva 2011
Retientactinosphaera magnifica Afanasieva 2011
Superfm. †Rotasphaeracea Noble 1994
Invalid names: Rotasphaeridae Noble 1994 [empty]
G. †Russirad Afanasieva 2000
Russirad kazintsovae Afanasieva 2000
G. †Sanctipaulelum Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum biglobosum Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum contractum Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum indivisum Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum inusitata Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum pingue Won and Iams 2015
Sanctipaulelum superpingue Won and Iams 2015
G. †Saturnulus Haeckel 1879
G. Schizomma Ehrenberg 1861
Schizomma quadrilobum Ehrenberg 1862
G. Sethocorys Haeckel 1882
G. Sethodisculus Haeckel 1887
Sethodisculus radians Ehrenberg 1841
G. Soreuma Haeckel 1882
G. Spirillina Ehrenberg 1858
Spirillina imperforata Ehrenberg 1858
G. †Spirocapsa Rüst
Invalid names: Spirocapsa singularis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Spongocyrtis Rüst
Invalid names: Spongocyrtis eurydictyum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Spongodruppa Rüst
Invalid names: Spongodruppa ornithopus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongodruppa triradiata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Spongopila Rüst
Invalid names: Spongopila juniperina Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Or. Spumellaria Ehrenberg 1875
G. †Acanthopyle Deflandre 1963
Acanthopyle antiqua Deflandre 1963
G. †Adiyamanium Uzuncimen et al. 2011
Adiyamanium crassum Uzuncimen et al. 2011
G. Amphisphaera Haeckel 1882
Amphisphaera gracilis Campbell and Clark 1944
Amphisphaera mesotriassica Dumitrica et al. 1980
Amphisphaera neptunus Haeckel 1882
Amphisphaera tanzhiyuani Matsuzaki and Suzuki 2014
Fm. †Anakrusidae Nazarov 1977
G. †Anakrusa Nazarov 1977
Anakrusa conspersa Nazarov 1977
Anakrusa miriacantha Nazarov 1977
Invalid names: Auliela Nazarov 1977 [synonym]
Fm. †Angulobracchiidae Baumgartner 1980
G. †Angulobracchia Baumgartner 1980
Angulobracchia biordinalis Ozvoldova 1984
Angulobracchia digitata Baumgartner 1980
Angulobracchia media Steiger 1992
Angulobracchia portmanni Baumgartner 1984
Angulobracchia trifolia Steiger 1992
G. †Bistarkum Yeh 1987
Bistarkum bifurcum Yeh 1987
Bistarkum coriniforme Bragin 2007
Bistarkum cylindratum Carter 1993
Bistarkum martiali Feng et al. 2006
Bistarkum phantomense Carter et al. 1988
Bistarkum rhaeticum Tekin 2002
Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987
Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987
Invalid names: Bigrumpta Pessagno and Hull 2002 [synonym], Grumpta Pessagno and Hull 2002 [synonym]
G. Cyclastrum Rüst 1898
Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen and Carter 2002
Cyclastrum decorum Petercakova 1992
Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen and Carter 2002
Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen and Carter 2002
G. †Danubea Carter et al. 1998
Danubea howardi Carter et al. 1998
G. †Deviatus Li 1986
Deviatus diamphidius Foreman 1973
Deviatus hipposidericus Foreman 1975
G. †Loupanus Carter 1993
Loupanus thompsoni Carter 1993
G. †Paronaella Pessagno 1971
Paronaella araneae Hull 1997
Paronaella bandyi Pessagno 1977
Paronaella beatricia Carter 1993
Paronaella bifida Carter 1993
Paronaella bona Yeh 1987
Paronaella botanyensis Carter et al. 1998
Paronaella broennimanni Pessagno 1977
Paronaella cava Ozvoldova 1990
Paronaella claviformis Kozur and Mostler 1978
Paronaella coalescenda Kiessling 1999
Paronaella communis Squinabol 1903
Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981
Paronaella curticrassa Gorican et al. 2006
Paronaella denudata Rüst 1898
Paronaella fera Yeh 1987
Paronaella gemmata De Wever 1981
Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988
Paronaella hirsuta De Wever 1981
Paronaella impella Ormiston and Lane 1976
Paronaella inornata Hull 1997
Paronaella isariana Ohmert 2006
Paronaella kotura Baumgartner 1980
Paronaella mulleri Pessagno 1977
Paronaella multifera Yang 1993
Paronaella norica Kozur and Mock 1981
Paronaella notabilis Whalen and Carter 2002
Paronaella obesa Pessagno 1977
Paronaella pacofiensis Carter 1993
Paronaella pessagnoi Blome 1984
Paronaella pristidentata Baumgartner 1980
Paronaella pygmaea Baumgartner 1980
Paronaella ravenensis Carter et al. 1998
Paronaella skenaensis Carter et al. 1998
Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988
Paronaella solanoensis Pessagno 1971
Paronaella speciosa Uzuncimen et al. 2011
Paronaella striata Kozur and Mostler 1990
Paronaella trammeri Kozur and Mostler 1978
Paronaella trifoliacea Ozvoldova 1992
Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981
Paronaella triporosa Holdsworth and Murchey 1988
Paronaella tubulata Steiger 1992
Paronaella turgida Ormiston and Lane 1976
Paronaella ultrabifida Carter 1993
Paronaella venusta Blome 1984
Paronaella yaogusensis Carter 1993
Invalid names: Archaeotriastrum De Wever 1981 [synonym], Sontonaella Yeh 1987 [synonym]
G. †Protopsium Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Protopsium ehrenbergi Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981
Protopsium ispartaensis Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Protopsium libidonosum De Wever 1981
Protopsium posinos De Wever 1981
G. †Serilla Carter 2007
Serilla tledoensis Carter 1993
Invalid names: Risella Carter 1993 [replaced]
G. †Thurstonia Carter et al. 1998
Thurstonia gibsoni Carter et al. 1998
Thurstonia magnaglobus Carter et al. 1998
Thurstonia minutaglobus Carter et al. 1998
Thurstonia timberensis Carter et al. 1998
Fm. †Antygoporidae Maletz and Bruton 2007
G. †Antygopora Maletz and Bruton 2005
Antygopora bella Maletz and Bruton 2007
Antygopora compacta Maletz and Bruton 2007
Antygopora intermediata Won and Iams 2015
Antygopora irregularia Maletz 2007
Antygopora labyrinthina Maletz and Bruton 2007
Antygopora littleportensis Won and Iams 2013
Antygopora microspina Maletz and Bruton 2007
Antygopora ordovicica Maletz and Bruton 2005
Fm. †Archaeospongoprunidae Pessagno 1973
G. †Archaeospongoprunum Pessagno 1973
Archaeospongoprunum bispinosum Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Archaeospongoprunum renaensis Pessagno 1977 [synonym]
Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen and Carter 2002
Archaeospongoprunum hueyi Pessagno 1973
Archaeospongoprunum imlayi Pessagno 1977
Archaeospongoprunum klingi Pessagno 1977
Archaeospongoprunum mengi Feng et al. 2006
Archaeospongoprunum muyinense Feng et al. 2001
Archaeospongoprunum nishiyamae Nakaseko and Nishimura 1981
Archaeospongoprunum praeimlayi Pessagno et al. 1993
Archaeospongoprunum salumi Pessagno 1973
Invalid names: Palaeospongurus Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Copiellintra Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Copiellintra bispina Nazarov and Afanasieva 2000
Copiellintra diploacantha Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
Copiellintra elongata Feng et al. 2006
Copiellintra fastuosa Nestell and Nestell 2010
Copiellintra ferula Noble and Jin 2010
Copiellintra laurelae Noble and Jin 2010
Copiellintra orbiculata Nestell and Nestell 2010
G. †Pegoxystris Sugiyama 1992
Pegoxystris mizutanii Sugiyama 1992
G. †Spongoprunum Haeckel 1887
Spongoprunum oligoporum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Spongoprunum holodictyosum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongoprunum trispinosum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Wilvemia Pessagno et al. 1993
Fm. †Aspiculumidae Won et al. 2005
G. †Aspiculum Won et al. 2005
Aspiculum angulatum Won et al. 2005
Aspiculum densum Won et al. 2007
Aspiculum eccentricum Won et al. 2005
Aspiculum gigantium Won et al. 2007
Aspiculum jamesi Won et al. 2007
Aspiculum multistratum Won et al. 2007
G. Astromma Ehrenberg 1846
Astromma entomocora Ehrenberg 1854
Fm. †Astrosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. Arachnosphaera Haeckel 1862
G. Astrosphaera Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Astrosphaerinae Haeckel 1881
G. Anomalacantha Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Heteracantha Mast 1910 [replaced]
G. Anomalosoma Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Invalid names: Heterosoma Mast 1910 [replaced]
G. Astrospongus Mast 1910
G. Cladococcus Mueller 1856
Cladococcus bifurcus Haeckel 1862
Cladococcus lychnosphaerae Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Diplosphaera Haeckel 1860
G. †Drymosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Elaphococcus Haeckel 1881
G. Haeckeliella Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Haplosphaera Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Heliosphaera Haeckel 1860
Heliosphaera alternata Aberdeen 1940
Heliosphaera clavata Hinde 1899
Heliosphaera haeckeli Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Heliosphaera macrospinosa Aberdeen 1940
Heliosphaera micropora Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Heliosphaera robusta Hinde 1899
Heliosphaera ruesti Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Heliosphaera tamworthi Hinde 1899
Heliosphaera venusta Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Heliosphaera bardanum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Heliosphaera fenestrata Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Heliosphaera kjrulfi Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Hexancistra Haeckel 1881
G. Hexapyramis Squinabol 1903
Hexapyramis triassica Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. Leptosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Lychnosphaera Haeckel 1881
G. Porococcus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Rhizoplegma Haeckel 1881
Invalid names: Rhizoplegma betulinum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Rhizospongus Mast 1910
G. Thalassoplegma Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. †Beatricea Whalen and Carter 1998
Beatricea baroni Cordey 1998
Beatricea christovalensis Carter et al. 1998
Beatricea sanpabloensis Whalen and Carter 2002
Beatricea undulata Billings 1857
G. †Bipylospongia Noble 1994
Bipylospongia rudosa Noble 1994
G. †Caltrop Carter et al. 1988
G. †Cannartus
Fm. †Capnuchosphaeridae De Wever 1979
G. †Braginastrum Tekin 1999
Braginastrum curvatus Tekin 1999
G. †Capnuchosphaera De Wever 1979
Capnuchosphaera barnabasi Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera borbalae Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera bragini Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera ciliciensis Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera concava De Wever 1979
Capnuchosphaera constricta Kozur and Mock 1981
Capnuchosphaera cylindrica Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera deweveri Kozur and Mostler 1979
Capnuchosphaera goestlingensis Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera gracilispinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera lenticulata Pessagno et al. 1979
Capnuchosphaera mersinensis Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera mexicana Pessagno et al. 1979
Capnuchosphaera mostleri Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera multispinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera oesii Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera okayi Tekin 2002
Capnuchosphaera ottomanensis Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera theloides De Wever 1979
Capnuchosphaera tortuospinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera triassica De Wever 1979
Capnuchosphaera tricornis De Wever 1979
Capnuchosphaera tumorspinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Capnuchosphaera tuvalica Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Catoma Blome 1983
Catoma concinna Blome 1983
Catoma geometrica Blome 1983
Catoma inedita Blome 1983
G. †Dicapnuchosphaera Tekin 1999
G. †Kinyrosphaera Bragin and Krylov 1999
Kinyrosphaera helicata Bragin and Krylov 1999
Kinyrosphaera trispinosa Bragin and Krylov 1999
Kinyrosphaera tuzcuae Tekin 1999
Invalid names: Nodocapnuchosphaera Tekin 1999 [synonym]
G. †Plafkerium Pessagno et al. 1979
Plafkerium abbotti Pessagno et al. 1979
Plafkerium antiquum Sugiyama 1992
Plafkerium confluens Dumitrica et al. 1980
Plafkerium contortum Dumitrica et al. 1980
Plafkerium fidicularium Carter 1993
Plafkerium gadoense Carter 1993
Plafkerium hindei Pessagno et al. 1979
Plafkerium keloense Carter 1993
Plafkerium muelleri Dumitrica et al. 1980
Plafkerium robustum Yeh 1989
G. †Saria Pessagno 1979
G. †Sarla Pessagno et al. 1979
Sarla delicata Blome 1983
Sarla externa Blome 1983
Sarla formosa Yeh 1989
Sarla natividadensis Pessagno et al. 1979
Sarla plena Blome 1983
Sarla prietoensis Pessagno et al. 1979
Sarla robusta Tekin 1999
Sarla transita Kozur and Mock 1981
Sarla triangulata Yeh 1989
Sarla vetusta Pessagno et al. 1979
Sarla vizcainoensis Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Spinocapnuchosphaera Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera hantkeni Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera odoghertyi Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera szentei Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera szivesae Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera tekini Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera tricuspidata Kozur et al. 2009
Spinocapnuchosphaera venusta Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Sulovella Kozur and Mock 1981
G. †Tetracapnuchosphaera Kozur and Mostler 2006
Tetracapnuchosphaera voeroesi Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Weverella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Weverella gracilispinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Weverella longispinosa Kozur et al. 2009
Weverella tetrabrachiata Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Caspiaza Afanasieva 1986
Caspiaza aculeata Afanasieva 1986
Caspiaza calva Afanasieva 1986
Caspiaza collaricostulata Afanasieva 1993
Caspiaza spinifera Afanasieva 1993
Caspiaza urceus Afanasieva 1986
Fm. †Cavaspongiidae Pessagno 1973
G. †Cavaspongia Pessagno 1973
Cavaspongia antelopensis Pessagno 1973
G. †Cavidiscus Pessagno 1976
G. †Dumitricaia Pessagno 1976
Fm. †Coccodiscidae Haeckel 1862
Subfm. Artiscinae Haeckel 1881
G. Cypassis Haeckel 1887
G. Diartus Sanfilippo and Riedel 1980
G. Didymocyrtis Haeckel 1862
Invalid names: Ommatartus Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Spongoliva Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Coccodiscinae Haeckel 1862
G. Coccocyclia Haeckel 1881
G. Coccodiscus Haeckel 1862
G. Heliostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Lithocyclia Ehrenberg 1847
G. Periphaena Ehrenberg 1873
G. Phacodiscus Haeckel 1881
G. Phacostaurus Haeckel 1881
G. Phacostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Sethostylus Haeckel 1881
G. Trigonactura Haeckel 1881
G. †Heliosestrum Haeckel 1881
Heliosestrum nigrum Hinde 1899
G. Stylocyclia Ehrenberg 1847
Stylocyclia dimidiata Ehrenberg 1874
Fm. †Conocaryommidae Lipman 1969
G. †Conocaryomma Lipman 1969
Conocaryomma dauerhafta Empson-Morin 1981
Conocaryomma glatta Empson-Morin 1981
Conosphaera transita Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. Cubotholonium Chen 1987
Fm. †Dactyliosphaeridae Squinabol 1904
G. †Dactyliosphaera Squinabol 1904
G. †Devoniglansus Wakamatsu et al. 1990
Devoniglansus unicus Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. †Dicoccura
G. Dictyastrum Ehrenberg 1861
Dictyastrum angulatum Ehrenberg 1873
Invalid names: Distriactis vetusta Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Domuzdagiidae Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
G. †Domuzdagia Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
Domuzdagia deweveri Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
Dorydictyum magnum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Dorydictyum minutum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Dorydictyum simplex Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Dorylonchidium antiquum Delfandre 1953
G. †Doryplegma Hinde 1890
Doryplegma armatum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Doryplegma nux Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Doryplegma priscum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Doryplegma gracile Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Doryplegma nasutum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
G. †Dorysphaera Hinde 1890
Dorysphaera domanicensis Bykova 1955
Invalid names: Dorysphaera echinata Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Dorysphaera laxa Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Dorysphaera nucula Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Dorysphaera reticulata Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Druppula simplex Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Druppula amygdalina Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula andreana Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula angustiporata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula berberis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula cembra Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula cornus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula crucifera Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula endechinata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula fixata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Druppula silurica Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Echinomma oligacanthum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Ellipsidium aculeatum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Ellipsidium castanea Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Ellipsidium spinosum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Ellipsostylus obliquus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Emiluviidae Dumitrica 1995
G. †Emiluvia Foreman 1973
Emiluvia bacata Yeh 2011
Emiluvia brevispina Yeh 2011
Emiluvia chica Foreman 1973
Emiluvia goricanae Yeh 2009
Emiluvia hopsoni Pessagno 1977
Emiluvia kozuri Yeh 2009
Emiluvia lowercoonensis Pessagno et al. 1993
Emiluvia omanensis Kiessling 1995
Emiluvia ordinaria Ozvoldova 1984
Emiluvia orea Baumgartner 1980
Emiluvia parvinodosa Kiessling 1999
Emiluvia pentaporata Steiger and Steiger 1994
Emiluvia pessagnoi Foreman 1973
Emiluvia premyogii Baumgartner 1984
Emiluvia salensis Pessagno 1977
Emiluvia sedecimporata Rüst 1885
Emiluvia splendida Carter 1988
Invalid names: Tympaneides Carter et al. 1988 [synonym]
G. †Kreutzstella Empson-Morin 1981
Kreutzstella vierkantiga Empson-Morin 1981
Fm. †Entapiidae De Wever et al. 2001
G. †Entapium Sanfilippo and Riedel 1973
G. †Zealithapium O'Connor 1999
G. †Fontinella Carter 1993
Fontinella clara Carter 1993
Fontinella habros Carter 1993
Fontinella inflata Carter 1993
Fontinella louisensis Carter 1993
Fontinella primitiva Carter 1993
G. †Franklinia Jones and Noble 2006
Franklinia dipulvisphaera Jones and Noble 2006
Franklinia tricae Jones and Noble 2006
G. †Futobari Furutani 1990
Futobari jingamoriensis Aitchison et al. 1996
Futobari morishitai Furutani 1990
Futobari solidus Furutani 1990
Futobari tosaensis Aitchison et al. 1996
G. †Glomeropyle Aita and Bragin 1999
Fm. †Hagiastridae Riedel 1971
G. †Archaeohagiastrum Baumgartner 1984
Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995
Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984
Archaeohagiastrum pobi Carter et al. 1998
G. †Crucella Pessagno 1971
Crucella angulosa Carter 1988
Crucella beata Yeh 1987
Crucella cachensis Pessagno 1971
Crucella carteri Kozur and Mostler 1990
Crucella cavata Carter et al. 1998
Crucella collina Jud 1994
Crucella concinna Yeh 2011
Crucella espartoensis Pessagno 1971
Crucella flowerpotensis Carter 1993
Crucella hettangica Kozur and Mostler 1990
Crucella irwini Pessagno 1971
Crucella jadeae Gorican et al. 2006
Crucella kaisunensis Carter et al. 1998
Crucella magna Blome 1984
Invalid names: Crucella angulata Yang 1993 [synonym]
Crucella messinae Pessagno 1971
Crucella mexicana Yang 1993
Crucella mijo De Wever 1981
Crucella mirabunda Whalen and Carter 2002
Crucella plana Pessagno 1971
Crucella prisca Kozur and Mostler 1990
Crucella spongase De Wever 1981
Crucella squama Kozlova 1971
Crucella tenuis Tekin 1999
Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980
Invalid names: Advena Hull 1997 [synonym]
G. †Hagiastrum Haeckel 1881
Hagiastrum baloghi Kozur and Mostler 1978
Hagiastrum goestlingense Kozur and Mostler 1978
Hagiastrum karnicum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Hagiastrum longispinosum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Hagiastrum macrum De Wever 1981
Invalid names: Tetratrabs imlayi Yeh 1987 [synonym]
Hagiastrum majusculum Carter et al. 1998
Hagiastrum obesum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Hagiastrum rudimentum Carter et al. 1998
G. †Higumastra Baumgartner 1980
Higumastra devilsgapensis Pessagno et al. 1993
Higumastra exigua Yeh 2011
Higumastra hui Yeh 2011
Higumastra imbricata Ozvoldova 1979
Higumastra inflata Baumgartner 1980
Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987
Invalid names: Higumastra splendida Yeh 1987 [synonym]
Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987
Higumastra scassoi Kiessling 1999
Higumastra transversa Blome 1984
G. †Monotrabs Baumgartner 1984
G. †Pobum De Wever 1981
Pobum infinitum Pessagno and Poisson 1981
G. †Pseudocrucella Baumgartner 1980
Pseudocrucella kubischa Empson-Morin 1981
Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981
Invalid names: Pseudocrucella jurassica Yeh 1987 [synonym]
Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae Pessagno 1977
G. †Pseudohagiastrum Pessagno 1979
Pseudohagiastrum giganteum Carter and Hori 2005
G. †Pseudohigumastra Yang 1993
G. †Pterotrabs Dumitrica 1997
G. †Savaryella Jud 1994
G. †Sophia Carter et al. 1998
Sophia palfyi Carter et al. 1998
Sophia tuberis Carter et al. 1998
G. †Tetraditryma Baumgartner 1980
Tetraditryma coldspringensis Pessagno et al. 1993
Tetraditryma praeplena Baumgartner 1984
Tetraditryma pseudoplena Baumgartner 1980
Invalid names: Saldorfus Pessagno, Jr. et al. 1993 [synonym]
G. †Tetraporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1979
Tetraporobrachia asymmetrica Kozur and Mostler 1981
Tetraporobrachia haeckeli Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Pentaporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Tetratrabs Baumgartner 1980
Tetratrabs bulbosa Baumgartner 1980
Tetratrabs izeensis Yeh 1987
Tetratrabs noricus Carter 1993
Tetratrabs radix Jud 1994
Tetratrabs zealis Ozvoldova 1979
Invalid names: Tetratrabs gratiosa Baumgartner 1980 [synonym]
G. †Udalia Carter et al. 1998
Udalia dennisoni Carter et al. 1998
Udalia parvacapsa Carter et al. 1998
Udalia plana Carter et al. 1998
Udalia primaeva Carter et al. 1998
G. Haliomma Ehrenberg 1838
Haliomma aequorea Ehrenberg 1844
Haliomma antiquum Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Haliomma beroes Ehrenberg 1844
Haliomma giganteum Rüst 1898
Haliomma medusa Ehrenberg 1839
Haliomma paternum Deflandre 1960
Haliomma perfecta Aberdeen 1940
Haliomma sewellense Carter 1993
Haliomma triactis Ehrenberg 1875
Invalid names: Haliomma cornutum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Haliomma speciosum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Haliomma stigmophorum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Haliomma vetustum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
G. †Haplopolus Li 1994
Haplopolus dipolus Li 1994
Fm. †Haplotaeniatumidae Won et al 2002
G. †Haplotaeniatum Nazarov and Ormiston 1993
Haplotaeniatum aperturatum Noble et al. 1997
Haplotaeniatum cathenatum Nazarov and Ormiston 1993
Haplotaeniatum circulus Pouille and Danelian 2014
Haplotaeniatum fenestratum Goto et al. 1992
Haplotaeniatum fissura MacDonald 2006
Haplotaeniatum giganteum Pouille and Danelian 2014
Haplotaeniatum labyrintheum Nazarov and Ormiston 1993
Haplotaeniatum nunavutensis MacDonald 2006
Haplotaeniatum ovatum Noble and Webby 2009
Haplotaeniatum prolatum Noble and Webby 2009
Haplotaeniatum spinatum Goto et al. 1992
Haplotaeniatum tegimentum Nazarov and Ormiston 1990
Haplotaeniatum vertigospongum Jones and Noble 2006
Fm. Heliodiscidae Haeckel 1881
G. Astrophacus Haeckel 1881
Astrophacus cingulatus Aberdeen 1940
G. Excentrococcus Dumitrica 1978
G. Excentrodiscus Hollande and Enjumet 1960
G. Excentrosphaerella Dumitrica 1978
G. Heliodiscus Haeckel 1862
Heliodiscus tunicatus O'Connor 1997
Invalid names: Heliodiscus acucinctus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Heliodiscus saturnalis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Heliosoma ehrenbergi Kozur and Mostler 1979
Heliosoma minima Kozur and Mostler 1979
Heliosoma mojsisovicsi Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Heliosoma roemeri Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Hexacladus speciosus Deflandre 1960
G. †Hexadoras
Fm. †Hexaporobrachiidae Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Hexaporobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1979
Hexaporobrachia riedeli Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. †Icrioma De Wever 1979
Icrioma cistella Carter 1993
Icrioma cruciformis Tekin 1999
Icrioma praecipua Blome 1983
Icrioma tetrancistrum De Wever 1979
Icrioma transversa Blome 1983
Invalid names: Paricrioma Tekin 1999 [synonym]
G. †Nazarovella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Nazarovella tetrafurcata Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. †Hexapylomellidae Kozur and Mosder 1979
G. †Hexapylomella Kozur and Mostler 1979
Hexapylomella carnica Kozur and Mostler 1979
Subfm. †Muelleritortiinae Kozur 1988
G. †Ditortis Kozur 1988
G. †Praenanina Kozur 1994
Praenanina veghae Kozur 1994
G. †Kalimnasphaera Webby and Blom 1986
Kalimnasphaera maculosa Webby and Blom 1986
G. †Labyrinthia Maletz and Bruton 2007
Labyrinthia inexpectata Maletz and Bruton 2007
Labyrinthia robusta Maletz 2007
G. †Lampasa Hull 1997
Fm. Larnacillidae Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Circodiscinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Circodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972
Invalid names: Plectodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972 [synonym]
Subfm. Cryptolarnaciinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Coccolarnacium Dumitrica 1989
G. Cryptolarnacium Dumitrica 1989
G. Spongopyle Dreyer 1889
Subfm. †Histriastrinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Amphymenium Haeckel 1882
G. †Histiastrum Ehrenberg 1847
G. †Stauralastrum Haeckel 1887
G. †Stephanastrum Ehrenberg 1847
Subfm. Larnacillinae Haeckel 1887
G. Larnacilla Haeckel 1887
G. Larnacopylomma Dumitrica 1989
Invalid names: Liosphaera devoniensis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Liosphaera mera Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Lithapium claviformis Nazarov 1973
Lithapium tesiensis Nazarov 1973
Invalid names: Lithapium siluricum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Lithatractus pusillus Campbell and Clark 1944
Invalid names: Lithatractus brevispinus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Lithatractus mejeri Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Lithatractus perforatus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Mendacastridae Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
G. †Mendacastrum Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
Mendacastrum aculeatum Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
Mendacastrum baumgartneri Dumitrica and Zügel 2002
Fm. †Miropylidae Dumitrica 1988
G. †Miropyle Dumitrica 1988
G. †Natraglia Pessagno et al. 1979
Natraglia luminosa Pessagno et al. 1979
Natraglia unica Pessagno et al. 1979
G. Ommatocampe Ehrenberg 1861
Ommatocampe polyarthra Ehrenberg 1873
G. Ommatospyris Ehrenberg 1861
Ommatospyris apicata Ehrenberg 1873
G. †Orbiculopylorum Noble et al. 1997
Orbiculopylorum adobensis Noble et al. 1997
Orbiculopylorum granti McDonald 2006
Orbiculopylorum marginatum Noble et al. 1997
Orbiculopylorum splendens Noble et al. 1997
Fm. †Orosphaeridae Haeckel 1887
G. Orodapis Friend and Riedel 1967
G. Oropelex Friend and Riedel 1967
G. Oroscena Haeckel 1887
G. Orosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. Orostaurus Friend and Riedel 1967
Fm. †Pantanelliidae Pessagno 1977
Subfm. †Capnodocinae Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Capnodoce De Wever 1979
G. †Justium Blome 1983
G. †Loffa Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Renzium Blome 1983
G. †Ellipsoxiphus Dunikowski 1882
Invalid names: Ellipsoxiphus hystrix Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Ellipsoxiphus procerus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Liassobetraccium Kozur 1996
Liassobetraccium bavaricum Kozur and Mostler 1990
Liassobetraccium hettangicum Kozur and Mostler 1990
Liassobetraccium inaequiporatum Kozur and Mostler 1990
Liassobetraccium verticispinosum Kozur and Mostler 1990
Subfm. †Pantanelliinae Pessagno 1977
G. †Betraccium Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Cantalum Pessagno et al. 1979
G. †Cecrops Pessagno 1977
G. †Gorgansium Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Pachyoncus Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Pantanellium Pessagno 1977
G. †Pseudopantanellium Yeh 1987
G. †Trillus Pessagno and Blome 1980
G. †Zartus Pessagno and Blome 1980
Subfm. †Vallupinae Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Bivallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Mesovallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Neovallupus Yang and Pessago 1989
G. †Protovallupus Pessagno and MacLeod 1987
G. †Supervallupus Yang and Pessago 1989
G. †Vallupus Pessagno and Blome 1984
G. Xiphosphaera Haeckel 1882
Xiphosphaera brachyacantha Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Xiphosphaera macracantha Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Xiphosphaera parva Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Xiphosphaera spinifera Pulfrey 1932
Invalid names: Xiphosphaera macrostyla Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Parabeothuka Won and Iams 2015
Parabeothuka haeckeliana Won and Iams 2015
Parabeothuka transformis Won and Iams 2015
Fm. †Parasaturnalidae Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Japonisaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1972
Invalid names: Parasaturnalis [synonym]
G. †Liassosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1990
Liassosaturnalis parvus Kozur and Mostler 1990
Liassosaturnalis undulatus Kozur and Mostler 1990
Fm. †Paratriassoastridae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Triassoastrum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Triassoastrum transitum Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Paratriassoastrum Kozur and Mostler 1981
Paratriassoastrum parvum Kozur and Mostler 1981
Fm. †Parvivaccidae Pessagno and Yang 1989
Subfm. †Acaeniotylinae Yang 1993
G. †Acaeniotyle Foreman 1973
G. †Acaeniotylopsis Kito and De Wever 1994
G. †Acastea Yang 1993
G. †Acusten Yang 1993
G. †Nolita Hull 1997
G. †Novitripus Hull 1997
G. †Praeconosphaera Yang 1993
Subfm. †Heleninae Hull 1997
G. †Helena Hull 1997
G. †Tappanella Hull 1997
Subfm. †Leugeoninae Yang and Wang 1990
G. †Hexasphaera Hull 1997
G. †Leugeo Yang and Wang 1990
G. †Levileugeo Yang and Wang 1990
Subfm. †Parvivaccinae Pessagno and Yang 1989
G. †Dicroa Foreman 1975
G. †Lanubus Pessagno and Yang 1989
Invalid names: Diactoma [synonym]
G. †Parvivacca Pessagno et al. 1989
Fm. †Patulibracchiidae Pessagno 1971
G. †Fluegelium Steiger and Steiger 1994
G. †Halesium Pessagno 1971
Halesium irregularis Steiger 1992
Halesium latifolia Steiger 1992
Halesium lineatum Jud 1994
Halesium triacanthum Squinabol 1903
G. †Homoeoparonaella Baumgartner 1980
Homoeoparonaella argolidensis Baumgartner 1980
Homoeoparonaella asymmetrica Kozur and Mostler 1992
Homoeoparonaella elegans Pessagno 1977
Homoeoparonaella gigantea Baumgartner 1980
Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen and Carter 2002
Subfm. †Patulibracchiinae Pessagno 1971
G. †Amphibrachium Hertwig 1879
Invalid names: Spongolena [synonym]
G. †Patulibracchium Pessagno 1971
Patulibracchium davisi Pessagno 1971
Patulibracchium ruesti Pessagno 1971
Patulibracchium ungulae Pessagno 1971
G. †Pessagnobrachia Kozur and Mostler 1978
Pessagnobrachia fabianii Squinabol 1914
G. †Santonaella Yeh 1987
G. †Triassocrucella Kozur 1984
Triassocrucella triassica Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Trimanicula Dumitrica 1991
G. Pentactura Haeckel 1882
Pentactura pentactis Ehrenberg 1874
Invalid names: Pentalastrum primitivum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Phantum Hull 1997
Plegmosphaera spiculata Aberdeen 1940
G. †Plussatispila MacDonald 2006
Plussatispila aethra Jones and Noble 2006
Plussatispila delicata MacDonald 2006
Plussatispila magnilimax MacDonald 2006
Plussatispila pellicia MacDonald 2006
Fm. †Praeconocaryommidae Pessagno 1976
G. †Phaenicosphaera Haeckel 1887
G. †Praeconocaryomma Pessagno 1976
Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Gorican et al. 2006
Praeconocaryomma lipmanae Pessagno 1976
Praeconocaryomma matsuokai Kiessling 1999
Praeconocaryomma media Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno and Poisson 1981
Praeconocaryomma sarahae Gorican et al. 2006
Praeconocaryomma universa Pessagno 1976
Praeconocaryomma yakounensis Gorican et al. 2006
G. †Primaritripus Afanasieva and Amon
Primaritripus buribayensis Afanasieva and Amon 2008
Primaritripus chuvashovi Afanasieva and Amon 2008
Primaritripus kariukmasensis Afanasieva and Amon 2009
Fm. †Pseudoacanthocircidae Kozur and Mostler 1990
G. †Stauromesosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler 1990
Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur and Mostler 1990
Invalid names: Stauracanthocircus sanrafaelensis Whalen and Carter 2002 [synonym]
Stauromesosaturnalis schizospinosus Kozur and Mostler 1990
Invalid names: Triacanthocircus Kozur and Mostler 1990 [synonym]
G. †Pseudoacanthosphaera O'Dogherty 1994
Pseudoacanthosphaera galeata O'Dogherty 1994
Fm. †Pseudoaulophacidae Riedel 1967
G. †Alievium Pessagno 1972
Alievium gallowayi White 1928
Alievium helenae Schaaf 1981
Alievium murphyi Pessagno 1972
Alievium nodulosum Dumitrica 1997
Alievium praegallowayi Pessagno 1972
Alievium superbum Squinabol 1914
Alievium zartum Empson-Morin 1981
G. †Becus Wu 1986
G. †Godia Wu 1986
Godia concava Li and Wu 1985
Godia gorkae Ohmert 2006
Godia tuberculata Wu and Li 1982
Subfm. Pentapyloniinae De Wever et al. 2001
G. Pentapylonium Dumitrica 1991
Subfm. †Pseudoaulophacinae Riedel 1967
G. †Dactyliodiscus Squinabol 1903
G. †Dispongotripus Squinabol 1903
G. †Pseudoaulophacus Pessagno 1963
Invalid names: Pessagnoella Kozur and Mostler 1978 [synonym]
Superfm. Pyloniacea Haeckel 1881
Fm. †Catenopylidae Dumitrica 1989
G. †Catenopyle Dumitrica 1989
G. †Praecatenopyle Dumitrica 1989
Fm. †Orbiculiformidae Pessagno 1973
G. †Orbiculiforma Pessagno 1973
G. †Orbiculiformella Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Pseudogodia Tekin 1999
G. †Spongiostoma Carter et al. 1988
G. Spongostaurus Haeckel 1882
Fm. †Patruliidae Dumitrica 1989
G. †Patrulius Dumitrica 1989
G. †Tetratholura Dumitrica 1989
Fm. Pyloniidae Haeckel 1881
Subfm. Dipylissinae Dumitrica 1988
G. Dipylissa Dumitrica 1988
Subfm. †Palaeotetrapylinae Dumitrica 1988
G. †Palaeotetrapyle Dumitrica 1988
G. Phorticium Haeckel 1881
Phorticium polycladum Tan and Tchang 1976
Phorticium pylonium Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Phorticium macropylium Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Subfm. Pylodiscinae Haeckel 1887
G. Hexapyle Haeckel 1881
G. Larcopyle Dreyer 1889
G. Pylodiscus Haeckel 1887
G. Pylolena Haeckel 1887
Subfm. Pyloniinae Dumitrica 1989
G. Larcospira Haeckel 1887
G. Octopyle Haeckel 1881
G. Pylospira Haeckel 1887
G. Spirema Haeckel 1887
G. Tetrapyle Haeckel 1858
Tetrapyle octacantha Müller 1859
Invalid names: Pylonium Haeckel 1881 [synonym]
G. Trizonium Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Echinosphaera Hertwig 1879 [replaced], Trizonites Haeckel 1887 [synonym]
Fm. †Pyramispongiidae Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. †Copiconulus Feng et al. 2006
Copiconulus acanthicus Feng et al. 2006
Copiconulus solidus Feng et al. 2006
G. †Ellipsocopicyntra Kozur and Mostler 1989
Ellipsocopicyntra acantha Feng et al. 2006
Ellipsocopicyntra oviformis Kozur and Mostler 1989
Ellipsocopicyntra sakmaraensis Kozur and Mostler 1989
Ellipsocopicyntra wani Feng et al. 2006
G. †Katorella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Katorella bifurcata Kozur and Mostler 1981
Katorella trifurcata Kozur and Mostler 1994
Invalid names: Discokatorella Kozur and Mostler 1994 [synonym]
G. †Kulacella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Paurinella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Paurinella aequispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1981
Paurinella curvata Kozur and Mostler 1994
Paurinella latispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1994
Paurinella mesotriassica Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Intermediella Lahm 1984 [synonym], Neopaurinella Kozur and Mostler 1981 [objective synonym]
G. †Pyramispongia Pessagno 1973
Invalid names: Nodotetraedra [synonym]
G. †Rikivatella Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Triassospongosphaera Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym]
G. †Tetrapaurinella Kozur and Mostler 1994
Tetrapaurinella discoidalis Kozur and Mostler 1994
Tetrapaurinella nanjingensis Zhang et al. 1992
Tetrapaurinella tetrahedrica Kozur and Mostler 1994
G. †Yujingella Feng et al. 2006
Yujingella triacantha Feng et al. 2006
G. †Quasibeothuka Wang 2008
Quasibeothuka ovata Wang 2008
Invalid names: Rhodosphaera crucifera Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Rhodosphaera devoniensis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Rhodosphaera idonea Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Rhodosphaera pulchra Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Rhodosphaera ruesti Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
G. Rhopalodictyum Ehrenberg 1860
Rhopalodictyum abyssorum Ehrenberg 1873
Rhopalodictyum fragilis Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum glaber Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum hirsutum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum nudum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum parvispinosum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum reiflingensis Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum robustum Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum simoni Kozur and Mostler 1978
Rhopalodictyum suborbiformis Kozur and Mostler 1978
Invalid names: Rhopalodictyum astrictum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Saturnaliacea Deflandre 1953
Fm. †Archaeoacanthocircidae Kozur et al. 2007
G. †Archaeoacanthocircus Kozur et al. 2007
G. †Huglusphaera Kozur et al. 2007
Fm. †Heliosaturnalidae Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Angulocircus Lahm 1984
G. †Schizodiscus Dogiel' and Reshetnyak 1952
Schizodiscus disymmetricus Dogiel' and Reshetnyak 1952
Schizodiscus japonicus Matsuzaki and Suzuki 2014
Schizodiscus symmetricus Dogiel' and Reshetnyak 1952
Invalid names: Sethostaurus exsculptus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Spironium haeckelii Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Spongiomma Haeckel 1887
Spongocoelia kamitakarensis Furutani 1990
Spongocoelia parvus Furutani 1990
Invalid names: Spongocoelia citreum Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Spongocoelia oliva Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
Superfm. †Spongodiscacea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Myelastridae Riedel 1971
G. Dicranastrum Haeckel 1881
G. Myelastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Pentophiastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tetracranastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Triastrum Cleve 1901
Fm. †Relindellidae Kozur and Mostler 1980
G. †Copicyntroides Nazarov and Ormiston 1985
G. †Pentaspongodiscus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Relindella Dumitrica et al. 1980 [synonym]
G. †Tetraspongodiscus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Fm. Spongodiscidae Haeckel 1862
G. Amphirhopalum Haeckel 1881
G. Chitonastrum Haeckel 1881
G. Dictyocorine Certes 1889
G. Dictyocoryne Ehrenberg 1860
Dictyocoryne mocki Kozur and Mostler 1978
Dictyocoryne profunda Ehrenberg 1873
Dictyocoryne zapfei Kozur and Mostler 1978
G. Euchitonia Ehrenberg 1860
Euchitonia furcata Ehrenberg 1873
Euchitonia muelleri Haeckel 1862
Euchitonia santonica Lipman 1952
Euchitonia triradiata Lipman 1960
Euchitonia virchowii Haeckel 1862
G. †Haliodictya Hojnos 1916
Haliodictya hojnosi Riedel and Sanfilippo 1974
G. Hymeniastrum Ehrenberg 1847
Hymeniastrum ancora Rüst 1898
Hymeniastrum pythagorae Ehrenberg 1854
G. †Ommatogramma Ehrenberg 1861
Ommatogramma navicularis Ehrenberg 1873
G. Porodiscus Haeckel 1881
Porodiscus vulgaris Lipman 1952
Invalid names: Porodiscus brevi Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus cabrierensis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus clathratus Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus intricatus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus lens Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus percinctus Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Porodiscus rossicus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Rhopalastrum Ehrenberg 1847
Rhopalastrum giganteum Rüst 1892
Rhopalastrum isselii Rüst 1892
Rhopalastrum lagena Ehrenberg 1840
Rhopalastrum siculum Rüst 1892
Rhopalastrum tumidum Lipman 1952
Invalid names: Rhopalastrum clavatum Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Rhopalastrum ingens Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium]
G. Spongaster Ehrenberg 1860
Spongaster tetras Ehrenberg 1860
G. Spongodiscus Ehrenberg 1854
Spongodiscus quartus Borisenko 1958
Spongodiscus resurgens Ehrenberg 1854
Spongodiscus volgensis Lipman 1952
Invalid names: Spongodiscus acinus Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Spongodiscus cribrarius Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Spongodiscus herzynicus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongodiscus punctus Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium]
Spongotripus aculeatus Lipman 1952
Spongotripus patella Hinde 1899
Spongotripus pujanai Kiessling 1999
Spongotripus ruestae Ormiston and Lane 1976
Spongotripus triassicus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Spongotripus xintianensis Sheng and Wang 1982
G. Spongotrochus Haeckel 1860
Spongotrochus primaevus Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Spongotrochus elongatus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Stylochlamydium Haeckel 1882
G. Stylodictya Ehrenberg 1847
Stylodictya delicatula Lipman 1952
Stylodictya gracilis Ehrenberg 1854
Stylodictya polaris Rüst 1892
Invalid names: Stylodictya zittelii Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Stylospongia Haeckel 1862
G. †Teichertus Hull 1997
Teichertus hypnoticus Kiessling 1999
Teichertus splendidus Hull 1997
G. Tesserastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tholodiscus Petrushevskaya and Kozlova 1972
Tholodiscus ocellatus Ehrenberg 1874
G. Trigonastrum Haeckel 1887
Spongolonche lens Hinde 1899
Fm. †Spongopalliidae Kozur et al. 1996
G. †Bitubopyle Kozur and Mostler 2006
G. †Goricanella Kozur et al. 2009
Goricanella hexaspinosa Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Paraweverella Kozur et al. 2009
Paraweverella tenuispinosa Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Spongopallium Dumitrica et al. 1980
Spongopallium contortum Dumitrica et al. 1980
Spongopallium tetrapterum Ramovs and Gorican 1995
G. †Tubospongopallium Tekin and Mostler 2005
Tubospongopallium inaequispinosum Kozur et al. 2009
G. †Spongosphaeradiscus Wang and Shang 2001
Spongosphaeradiscus shaiwaensis Wang and Shang 2001
Superfm. Sponguracea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Cyphantellidae Loeblich and Tappan 1961
G. Cyphantella Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Cyphanta Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Cyphantidae Campbell 1954 [replaced]
Fm. †Gomberellidae Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Bernoullius Baumgartner 1984
G. †Gomberellus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Karnospongella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. †Tamonella Dumitrica et al. 1980
Fm. Litheliidae Haeckel 1862
G. Cromyodruppa Haeckel 1887
G. Lithelius Haeckel 1860
Fm. †Oertlispongidae Kozur and Mostler 1980
G. †Baumgartneria Dumitrica 1982
G. †Bogdanella Kolar-Jurkovsek 1989
G. †Falcispongus Dumitrica 1982
G. †Gibberospongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Oertlispongus Dumitrica et al. 1980
G. †Paroertlispongus Kozur and Mostler 1981
Invalid names: Acaeniospongus Kozur and Mostler 1981 [synonym], Pseudoertlispongus Lahm 1984 [synonym]
G. †Pterospongus Dumitrica 1982
G. †Scutispongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Spongoserrula Dumitrica 1980
G. †Steigerispongus Kozur and Mostler 1996
G. †Turospongus Kozur and Mostler 1994
Fm. †Phaseliformidae Pessagno 1972
G. †Parvicuspis Pessagno 1972
G. †Phaseliforma Pessagno 1972
Fm. Sponguridae Haeckel 1862
G. †Kamospongella Kozur and Mostler 1981
G. Patellula Kozlova 1972
Patellula andrusovi Ozvoldova 1997
Patellula ecliptica O'Dogherty 1994
Patellula euessceei Empson-Morin 1981
Patellula heroica O'Dogherty 1994
G. †Prunobrachium Kozlova 1966
Prunobrachium auklandensis Pessagno 1975
Prunobrachium kennetti Pessagno 1975
Prunobrachium longum Pessagno 1975
G. †Pseudospongoprunum Wakamatsu et al. 1990
Pseudospongoprunum parvispina Tetard et al. 2015
Pseudospongoprunum sagittatum Wakamatsu et al. 1990
Pseudospongoprunum tazukawaensis Wakamatsu et al. 1990
G. Spongurus Haeckel 1860
Invalid names: Spongocore Haeckel 1887 [synonym], Spongurus lacunosus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongurus plantaeformis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongurus variabilis Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Srakaeosphaera Sashida et al. 1997
Srakaeosphaera minuta Sashida et al. 1997
G. †Stauracontium Haeckel 1882
Stauracontium alpinum Dumitrica et al. 1980
Invalid names: Stauracontium incompletum Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Staurocyclia martini Rüst 1898
Staurodictya densa Kozlova 1966
Staurodoras brevispinosa Aberdeen 1940
Invalid names: Staurodoras gracilis Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Stauroplegma lepidum Sheng and Wang 1982
Stauroplegma pulcherrimum Sheng and Wang 1982
Stauroplegma robustospina Sheng and Wang 1982
Invalid names: Stauroplegma barbatum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Stauroplegma brevispina Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Stauroplegma compressum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Stauroplegma diffusum Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
Staurostylus caucasicus Khabakov 1932
Staurostylus varispinatus Aberdeen 1940
Invalid names: Staurostylus tenuispinus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Staurostylus xiphophorus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Streblacantha Haeckel 1887
Fm. Stylosphaeridae Haeckel 1881
G. Druppatractus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Druppatractus dictyococcus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Dumitricasphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
Dumitricasphaera elegans Bragin 2007
Dumitricasphaera goestlingensis Kozur and Mostler 1979
Dumitricasphaera latispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
Dumitricasphaera pennata Gorican and Buser 1990
Dumitricasphaera trispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
G. Lithomespilus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Lithomespilus bipolaris Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Lithomespilus hexacanthus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Lithomespilus steinvorthi Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Praestylosphaera Empson-Morin 1981
G. Protoxiphotractus Pessagno 1973
G. Spongosphaera Ehrenberg 1847
Invalid names: Spongatractus Haeckel 1887 [objective synonym], Spongosphaera induta Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Spongosphaera tritestacea Rothpletz 1880 [nomen dubium]
G. †Spongostylus Haeckel 1881
Spongostylus carnicus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Spongostylus tortilis Kozur and Mostler 1979
Spongostylus tricostatus Kozur et al. 1996
G. †Staurolonche Haeckel 1881
Staurolonche extensa Ruest 1885
Staurolonche granulosum Dumitrica et al. 1980
Staurolonche insignis Rüst 1892
Staurolonche laterna Hinde 1899
Staurolonche robusta Rüst 1885
Staurolonche tenella Hinde 1899
Staurolonche trispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
Invalid names: Staurolonche micropora Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Staurolonche scitula Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Staurolonche spinigera Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Stylatractus Haeckel 1887
G. Stylosphaera Ehrenberg 1847
Stylosphaera acuta Rüst 1892
Stylosphaera hastata Campbell and Clark 1944
Stylosphaera hispida Ehrenberg 1854
Stylosphaera obtusa Hinde 1899
Stylosphaera quasiobtusa Aberdeen 1940
Stylosphaera vetusta Hinde 1899
Invalid names: Sphaerostylus [synonym]
G. Xiphatractus Haeckel 1887
Xiphatractus spumeus Dumitrica 1973
G. †Zhamojdasphaera Kozur and Mostler 1979
Zhamojdasphaera latispinosa Kozur and Mostler 1979
Stylostaurus hindei Ruedemann and Wilson 1936
Invalid names: Styptosphaera antiqua Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium]
G. †Tauridastrum Tekin 1999
Invalid names: Tetrapylonium ovatum Rüst 1892 [nomen nudum]
Tetrarectangulum poratum Steiger 1992
Tetrarectangulum spinosum Steiger 1992
G. †Tetrasphaera Wang 2008
G. †Tetriastrum Yang 1993
Theodiscus hastatus Hinde 1899
Invalid names: Theodiscus aculeatus Hinde and Fox 1895 [nomen dubium], Theodiscus brachyacanthus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Theodiscus convexus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Theodiscus gigas Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Theodiscus planus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Tholomura Haeckel 1887
Fm. Tholoniidae Haeckel 1887
G. Amphitholus Haeckel 1887
G. Cubotholus Haeckel 1887
G. Tholocubus Haeckel 1887
G. Tholonium Haeckel 1887
G. †Tipperella Longridge et al. 2007
Tipperella kennecottensis Longridge et al. 2007
G. †Triplococcus Danelian and Popov 2003
Triplococcus acanthicus Danelian and Popov 2003
Triplococcus aksuranensis Pouille and Danelian 2013
Fm. †Tritrabidae Baumgartner 1980
G. †Archaeotritrabs Steiger 1992
Archaeotritrabs gracilis Steiger 1992
Archaeotritrabs hattorii Gorican et al. 2006
G. †Ditrabs Baumgartner 1980
Ditrabs osteosa Jud 1994
G. †Neoparonaella Yang 1993
Invalid names: Neoparonaella chocoyaensis Hull 1997 [synonym], Neoparonaella volatica Hull 1997 [synonym]
G. †Tritrabs Baumgartner 1980
Tritrabs casmaliaensis Pessagno 1977
Tritrabs ewingi Pessagno 1977
Tritrabs exotica Pessagno 1977
Tritrabs hayi Pessagno 1977
Tritrabs rhododactylus Baumgartner 1980
Tritrabs simplex Kito and De Wever 1992
Tritrabs suavis Hull 1997
Tritrabs worzeli Pessagno 1971
Trochodiscus convexus Rüst 1892
Trochodiscus planatus Hinde 1899
Invalid names: Trochodiscus diversispinus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Trochodiscus dubius Hinde 1899 [nomen dubium], Trochodiscus longispinus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Trochodiscus proavus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Trochodiscus recurvispinus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Trochodiscus serrula Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Veghicycliidae Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Carinacyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Praeorbiculiformella Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella karnica Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella latimarginata Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella lomgonensis Carter et al. 1998
Praeorbiculiformella plana Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella polyspinosa Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella robusta Carter et al. 1998
Praeorbiculiformella vulgaris Kozur and Mostler 1978
Praeorbiculiformella yanensis Carter et al. 1998
G. †Veghicyclia Kozur and Mostler 1972
Veghicyclia haeckeli Kozur and Mostler 1972
Veghicyclia robusta Kozur and Mostler 1972
G. †Vinassaspongus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Vinassaspongus discoidalis Kozur and Mostler 1979
Vinassaspongus subsphaericus Kozur and Mostler 1979
Subg. Xiphodictya (Xiphospira) Haeckel 1887
G. †Zadrappolus Furutani 1990
Zadrappolus hitoeganensis Furutani 1990
Zadrappolus lunaris Noble 1994
Zadrappolus nudus Kurihara 2007
Zadrappolus spinosus Furutani 1990
Zadrappolus tenuis Furutani 1990
Zadrappolus yoshikiensis Furutani 1990
G. †Zhuangodiscus Wu and Feng 2010
Zhuangodiscus biacanthus Wu and Feng 2010
Zhuangodiscus orthacanthus Wu and Feng 2010
Zhuangodiscus pentacanthus Wu and Feng 2010
Invalid names: Zonodiscus dentatus Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Zonodiscus macrozona Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Acaeniotylidae Yang 1993 [empty], Bernoulliidae Pessagno et al. 1993 [empty], Bolenidae Hull 1997 [empty], Entactiniacae Riedel 1967 [empty], Suttoniidae Schaaf 1976 [empty], Vitorfidae Pessagno 1977 [empty]
G. †Staurosphaerella Demanet
G. Stichopera Haeckel 1882
Invalid names: Stichopera aculeata Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Stichopilidium Haeckel 1887
G. Stichopodium Haeckel 1882
G. Stichopterygium Haeckel 1882
G. †Stomatosphaera Dreyer 1889
G. Stylactis Ehrenberg 1873
Stylactis pacifica Ehrenberg 1873
G. †Stylotrochus Haeckel 1862
Invalid names: Stylotrochus dolfussi Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. †Tepka Sanfilippo et al. 1973
G. Tessarastrum Haeckel 1887
G. Tessarospyris Haeckel 1882
G. Tetracorethra Haeckel 1882
G. †Tetraedroclathrum Deflandre 1960
G. Thalassoplancta Haeckel
Superfm. Thallassosphaeracea Haeckel 1862
Fm. Lithacanthidae Popovsky 1907
G. Tetracina Loeblich and Tappan 1961
Tetracina simplex Popovsky 1907
Invalid names: Tetracanthus Popovsky 1907 [replaced]
G. Thamnospyris Haeckel 1882
G. Theoconus Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Theosyringium praecox Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium]
G. Trigonactinium Haeckel 1887
G. †Ulcundia Nazarov 1974
Ulcundia incomperta Nazarov 1974
G. †Veles Sugiyama 1997
G. Xiphatractylis Haeckel 1887
Xiphatractylis spinulosa Ehrenberg 1874
G. Zygospyris Haeckel 1887
Invalid names: Carposphaeridium Chapman 1923 [nomen dubium], Caryosphaera [nomen dubium], Cenellipsis [nomen dubium], Cenodiscus [nomen dubium], Ceratoclathrulum Deflandre 1960 [nomen nudum], Cessipylorum [nomen nudum], Choenicosphaera Ruedemann and Wilson 1936 [nomen dubium], Clavata Feng 1992 [nomen dubium], Cornutanna Rüst 1892 [nomen dubium], Diploplegma Hinde 1890 [nomen dubium], Ectoactinia Liu 1992 [nomen dubium], Ehrenbergia Liu 1995 [nomen dubium], Guangxitrisphaera Wang and Kuang 1993 [nomen dubium], Helminentactinia Li 1991 [nomen dubium], Hemisphaera Li 1995 [nomen nudum], Litheliacea Haeckel 1862 [empty], Lithocannosphaeropsis Deflandre 1960 [nomen dubium], Palaeolithochytris Li 1995 [nomen dubium], Palamphimorphium Ters and Deflandre 1966 [nomen nudum], Paleocenosphaera Nazarov 1973 [nomen dubium], Papinochium Ters and Deflandre 1966 [nomen nudum]
Invalid names: Heliozoia [empty]
No diagnoses are available