Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Laurasiatheria was named by Waddell et al. (1999). It is extant.
It was assigned to Eutheria by Madsen et al. (2001); to Epitheria by Phillips et al. (2001); to Boreotheria by Waddell et al. (2001); to Placentalia by Waddell et al. (1999), Averianov and Archibald (2005), Wible et al. (2007); and to Boreoeutheria by Asher and Helgen (2010).
It was assigned to Eutheria by Madsen et al. (2001); to Epitheria by Phillips et al. (2001); to Boreotheria by Waddell et al. (2001); to Placentalia by Waddell et al. (1999), Averianov and Archibald (2005), Wible et al. (2007); and to Boreoeutheria by Asher and Helgen (2010).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1999 | Laurasiatheria Waddell et al. p. cover |
2001 | Laurasiatheria Madsen et al. p. 610 |
2001 | Laurasiatheria Phillips et al. p. 1535 |
2001 | Laurasiatheria Waddell et al. p. 148 |
2005 | Laurasiatheria Averianov and Archibald p. 599 |
2007 | Laurasiatheria Wible et al. |
2010 | Laurasiatheria Asher and Helgen p. 3 figs. Figure 1 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Laurasiatheria Waddell et al. 1999
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Unr. Eulipotyphla
Unr. Erinaceomorpha Gregory 1910
Fm. †Chambelestidae Gheerbrant and Hartenberger 1999
G. †Chambilestes Gheerbrant and Hartenberger 1999
†Chambilestes foussanensis Gheerbrant and Hartenberger 1999
Fm. †Sespedectidae Novacek 1985
Subfm. †Sespedectinae Novacek 1985
G. †Colpocherus Beard and Dawson 2009
G. †Patriolestes Walsh 1998
G. †Proterixoides Stock 1935
G. †Sespedectes Stock 1935
G. †Talpavus Marsh 1872
†Talpavus conjunctus Storer 1995
†Talpavus duplus Krishtalka 1976
†Talpavus sullivani Guthrie 1971
Fm. †Vastanidae Bajpai et al. 2005
Invalid names: Creotarsinae Hay 1930 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Ghamidtherium Sánchez-Villagra et al. 2007
†Ghamidtherium dimaiensis Sánchez-Villagra et al. 2007
Subor. Soricomorpha Gregory 1910
Fm. †Changlelestidae Tong and Wang 1993
Subfm. †Tupaiodontinae Butler 1988
G. †Anatolechinos Wang 2008
G. †Ictopidium Zdansky 1930
G. †Tupaiodon Matthew and Granger 1924
G. †Zaraalestes Storch and Dashzeveg 1997
Fm. †Geolabididae McKenna 1960
G. †Batodonoides Novacek 1976
†Batodonoides powayensis Novacek 1976
†Batodonoides vanhouteni Bloch et al. 1998
†Batodonoides walshi Kelly 2010
G. †Centetodon Marsh 1872
†Centetodon aztecus Lillegraven et al. 1981
†Centetodon bacchanalis McGrew et al. 1959
†Centetodon bembicophagus Lillegraven et al. 1981
†Centetodon chadronensis Lillegraven et al. 1981
†Centetodon divaricatus Korth 1992
†Centetodon hendryi Lillegraven et al. 1981
†Centetodon kuenzii Lillegraven et al. 1981
†Centetodon magnus Clark 1936
†Centetodon marginalis Cope 1873
Invalid names: Embassis alternans Cope 1873 [synonym], Metacodon mellingeri Patterson and McGrew 1937 [synonym]
†Centetodon neashami Bown and Schankler 1982
†Centetodon patratus Bown and Schankler 1982
†Centetodon wolffi Macdonald 1965
Invalid names: Embassis Cope 1873 [synonym], Hypacodon McKenna 1960 [synonym], Protictops Peterson 1934 [synonym]
Invalid names: Centetodontinae Trouessart 1879 [synonym], Metacodontidae Butler 1948 [synonym], Protictops alticuspidens Peterson 1934 [nomen dubium]
G. †Nycticonodon Quinet 1964
Fm. †Plesiosoricidae Winge 1917
G. †Plesiosorex Pomel 1848
†Plesiosorex aydarlensis Kordikova 2000
†Plesiosorex coloradensis Wilson 1960
†Plesiosorex donroosai Green 1977
†Plesiosorex evolutus Ziegler 2006
†Plesiosorex germanicus Seemann 1938
†Plesiosorex greeni Martin and Lim 2004
†Plesiosorex latidens Hall 1929
†Plesiosorex schaffneri Engesser 1972
†Plesiosorex soricinoides Blainville 1838
Invalid names: Plesiosorex talpoides Pomel 1848 [synonym]
†Plesiosorex styriacus Hoffmann 1892
Invalid names: Meterix Hall 1929 [synonym]
G. †Pseudoneurogymnurus Gureev 1979
†Pseudoneurogymnurus shevyrevae Gureev 1979
†Pseudoneurogymnurus zhchikvadzei Gureev 1979
Invalid names: Butselidae Quinet and Misonne 1965 [synonym], Butseliinae Quinet and Misonne 1965 [empty], Plesiosoricinae Winge 1917 [empty]
Fm. Soricidae Fischer 1814 [shrew]
G. †Alloblarinella Storch 1995
†Alloblarinella europaea Reumer 1984
†Alloblarinella sinica Storch 1995
G. †Alluvisorex Hutchison 1966
†Alluvisorex arcadentes Hutchison 1966
†Alluvisorex chasseae Tedford 1961
G. †Asoriculus Kretzoi 1959
Subfm. Crocidosoricinae Reumer 1987
G. †Carposorex Crochet 1975
G. †Clapasorex Crochet 1975
Tr. †Crocidosoricini Reumer 1987
G. †Florinia Ziegler 1989
G. †Lartetium Ziegler 1989
G. †Miosorex Kretzoi 1959
G. †Oligosorex Kretzoi 1959
Tr. †Oligosoricini Gureev 1971
G. †Soricella Doben-Florin 1964
G. †Srinitium Hugueney 1976
G. †Taatsiinia Ziegler et al. 2007
G. †Tavoonyia Ziegler et al. 2007
G. †Ulmensia Ziegler 1989
Subfm. Crocidurinae Milne Edwards 1874 [white-toothed shrew]
G. Crocidura Wagler 1832
Invalid names: Heliosorex Heller 1910 [synonym], Leucodon Fatio 1869 [synonym], Paurodus Schulze 1897 [synonym], Rhinomus Murray 1861 [synonym]
Tr. Crocidurini Milne Edwards 1872
Tr. †Scutisoricini Allen 1917
G. Suncus Ehrenberg 1832
Invalid names: Pachyura Selys Longchamps 1839 [synonym], Plerodus Schulze 1897 [synonym]
Subfm. †Heterosoricinae Viret and Zapfe 1951
G. †Atasorex Lopatin 2004
G. †Dinosorex Engesser 1972
G. †Gobisorex Sulimski 1970
G. †Heterosorex Gaillard 1915
G. †Ingentisorex Hutchison 1966
G. †Lusorex Storch and Qiu 2004
G. †Noritrimylus Korth et al. 2022
G. †Paradomnina Hutchison 1966
G. †Quercysorex Engesser 1975
G. †Wilsonosorex Martin 1978
Invalid names: Sorex kinkelini Zinndorf 1901 [nomen dubium]
G. †Nesiotites Bate 1945
†Nesiotites corsicanus Bate 1945
†Nesiotites hidalgo Bate 1945
†Nesiotites rafelinensis Rofes et al. 2012
†Nesiotites similis Hensel 1855
G. †Petenyiella Kretzoi 1956
†Petenyiella zelcea Sulimski 1959
Invalid names: Allopachyura Kormos 1934 [synonym]
G. †Podihik Deraniyagala 1958
G. †Siwalikosorex Sahni and Khare 1976
Subfm. Soricinae Fischer von Waldheim 1817 [red-toothed shrew]
Tr. †Allosoricini Fejfar 1966
Tr. †Amblycoptini Kormos 1926
Tr. Anourosoricini Anderson 1879
Tr. Blarinini Kretzoi 1965
G. †Hemisorex Baudelot 1967
Tr. †Nectogalini Anderson 1879
Tr. Neomyini Matschie 1909
Invalid names: Amblycoptinae Kormos 1926 [synonym], Anourosoricinae Anderson 1879 [synonym], Crossopinae Milne Edwards 1872 [synonym], Hydrosoridae Anon 1838 [synonym], Nectogalinae Anderson 1879 [synonym], Soriculi Winge 1917 [synonym]
Tr. Soricini Fischer von Waldheim 1817
G. †Zelceina Sulimski 1962
†Zelceina kormosi Schlosser 1924
†Zelceina podlesicensis Rzebik-Kowalska 1990
†Zelceina soriculoides Sulimski 1959
Invalid names: Allosoricinae Fejfar 1966 [empty]
Superfm. Soricoidea Gill 1872
Fm. †Apternodontidae Matthew 1910
G. †Apternodus Matthew 1903
Subfm. †Asiapternodontinae Lopatin 2006
G. †Iconapternodus Tong 1997
Invalid names: Apternodontinae Matthew 1910 [empty], Oligoryctinae Asher et al. 2002 [empty], Parapternodontinae Asher et al. 2002 [empty]
Fm. †Nyctitheriidae Simpson 1928
Subfm. †Amphidozotheriinae Sige 1976
Subfm. †Asionyctiinae Missiaen and Smith 2005
Subfm. †Eosoricodontinae Lopatin 2005
G. †Indonyctia Das et al. 2022
G. †Leptacodon Matthew and Granger 1921
G. †Limaconyssus Gingerich 1987
G. †Myolestes Matthew 1909
Subfm. †Nyctitheriinae Simpson 1928
Subfm. †Placentidentinae Russell et al. 1973
Subfm. †Praolestinae Lopatin 2006
G. †Protentomodon Simpson 1928
Subfm. †Talpilestinae Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Yuanqulestes Tong 1997
Invalid names: Paradoxonycteris soricodon Revilliod 1919 [nomen dubium]
Fm. †Parapternodontidae Asher et al. 2002
G. †Koniaryctes Robinson and Kron 1998
G. †Parapternodus Bown and Schankler 1982
Infraor. †Soricota Kalandadze and Rautian 1992
Invalid names: Micropternodontoidea Stirton and Rensberger 1964 [empty], Solenodontoidea Gill 1972 [empty]
Invalid names: Lipotyphla Haeckel 1866 [synonym]
Unr. Scrotifera Waddell et al. 1999
Or. †Acreodi Matthew 1909
G. †Andrewsarchus Osborn 1924
†Andrewsarchus crassum Ding et al. 1977
†Andrewsarchus mongoliensis Osborn 1924
Unr. †Mesonychia [mesonychian]
Fm. †Hapalodectidae Szalay and Gould 1966 [condylarth]
G. †Hapalodectes Matthew 1909
G. †Hapalorestes Gunnell and Gingerich 1996
Fm. †Mesonychidae Cope 1875 [condylarth]
G. †Dissacus Cope 1881
Invalid names: Hyaenodictis Lemoine 1891 [synonym], Hyoenodictis Lemoine 1880 [synonym], Plesidissacus Lemoine 1894 [synonym]
G. †Dissacusium Chow et al. 1977
G. †Harpagolestes Wortman 1901
G. †Hessolestes Peterson 1931
G. †Honanodon Chow 1965
G. †Jiangxia Zhang et al. 1979
G. †Lohoodon Chow et al. 1973
Subfm. †Mesonychinae Cope 1880
G. †Metahapalodectes Dashzeveg 1976
G. †Olsenia Matthew and Granger 1925
G. †Pachyaena Cope 1874
G. †Plagiocristodon Chow and Qi 1978
G. †Sinonyx Zhou et al. 1995
Invalid names: Hapalodectinae Szalay and Gould 1966 [empty]
G. †Simidectes Stock 1933
†Simidectes magnus Peterson 1919
†Simidectes medius Peterson 1919
†Simidectes merriami Stock 1933
Invalid names: Pleurocyon Peterson 1919 [synonym]
G. †Wyolestes Gingerich 1981
†Wyolestes apheles Gingerich 1981
†Wyolestes dioctes Gingerich 1982
†Wyolestes iglesius Novacek et al. 1991
Invalid names: Andrewsarchidae Szalay and Gould 1966 [empty], Wyolestidae [empty]
Fm. †Triisodontidae Scott 1892
G. †Eoconodon Matthew and Granger 1921
†Eoconodon copanus Van Valen 1978
†Eoconodon coryphaeus Cope 1885
Invalid names: Mioclaenus bathygnathus Cope 1888 [synonym], Triisodon biculminatus Cope 1888 [synonym]
†Eoconodon gaudrianus Cope 1888
†Eoconodon ginibitohia Clemens and Williamson 2005
†Eoconodon hutchisoni Clemens 2011
†Eoconodon nidhoggi Van Valen 1978
G. †Triisodon Cope 1881
†Triisodon quivirensis Cope 1881
Invalid names: Sarcothraustes antiquus Cope 1882 [synonym], Triisodon conidens Cope 1882 [synonym]
Invalid names: Sarcothraustes Cope 1882 [synonym]
Invalid names: Oxyclaenidae Scott 1892 [invalid subgroup]
Unr. †Bulbulodentata Archibald 1998
Fm. †Periptychidae Cope 1882 [condylarth]
G. †Ampliconus Eberle and Lillegraven 1998
†Ampliconus antoni Eberle and Lillegraven 1998
†Ampliconus browni Eberle and Lillegraven 1998
Subfm. †Anisonchinae Osborne and Earle 1895
G. †Haploconus Cope 1882
G. †Pseudanisonchus Zhang et al. 1979
G. †Anisonchus Cope 1881
†Anisonchus fortunatus Simpson 1932
†Anisonchus oligistus Gazin 1941
†Anisonchus onostus Gazin 1939
†Anisonchus sectorius Cope 1881
Invalid names: Anisonchus dracus Gazin 1939 [synonym], Mioclaenus mandibularis Cope 1881 [synonym], Zetodon gracilis Cope 1883 [synonym]
†Anisonchus willeyi Rigby, Jr. 1980
Invalid names: Zetodon Cope 1883 [synonym]
G. †Conacodon Matthew 1897
†Conacodon cophater Cope 1884
†Conacodon delphae Eberle and Lillegraven 1998
†Conacodon harbourae Eberle and Lillegraven 1998
†Conacodon hettingeri Atteberry and Eberle 2021
†Conacodon kohlbergeri Archibald et al. 1983
Invalid names: Conacodon utahensis Robison 1986 [synonym]
†Conacodon matthewi Middleton and Dewar 2004
G. †Hemithlaeus Cope 1882
†Hemithlaeus josephi Van Valen 1978
†Hemithlaeus kowalevskianus Cope 1882
G. †Miniconus Atteberry and Eberle 2021
†Miniconus archibaldi Middleton and Dewar 2004
†Miniconus jeanninae Atteberry and Eberle 2021
G. †Oxyacodon Osborn and Earle 1895
†Oxyacodon apiculatus Osborn and Earle 1895
†Oxyacodon ferronensis Archibald et al. 1983
†Oxyacodon marshater Van Valen 1978
†Oxyacodon priscilla Matthew 1937
Invalid names: Fimbrethil Van Valen 1978 [synonym]
Subfm. †Periptychinae Osborn and Earle 1895
G. †Ectoconus Cope 1884
G. †Periptychus Cope 1881
Invalid names: Carsioptychus Simpson 1936 [synonym], Catathlaeus Cope 1881 [synonym], Plagioptychus Matthew 1936 [synonym]
Unr. Euungulata Waddell et al. 2001
Unr. Artiodactylamorpha Spaulding et al. 2009
Unr. Artiodactyla Owen 1848 [even-toed ungulate]
Subfm. †Antiacodontinae
Superfm. †Cainotherioidea Camp and VanDerHoof 1940
Superfm. †Choeropotamoidea
Fm. †Climacoceratidae Hamilton 1978
Fm. †Diacodexeidae Krishtalka and Stucky 1985
Superfm. †Dichobunoidea Gill 1872
G. †Eolantianus Averianov 1996
G. †Erlianhyus Li and Li 2022
G. †Hsanotherium Ducrocq et al. 2000
G. †Myanmarius Tsubamoto et al. 2013
Subor. Omnivora
G. †Raphenacodus Gabunia 1971
Unr. Ruminantiamorpha Spaulding et al. 2009
Fm. †Tapirulidae Cope 1879
G. †Tragulohyus Gervais 1874
Invalid names: Achaenodontidae [empty], Ancodonta Matthew [empty], Antiacodontidae Krishtalka and Stucky 1985 [empty], Booidea [empty], Bunomerycidae Gentry and Hooker 1988 [empty], Cetartiodactyla Montgelard et al. 1997 [synonym], Eurytheriidae Cope 1889 [empty], Haplobunodontidae Sudre 1978 [empty], Hyodonta Matthew 1929 [empty], Leptochoerinae [empty], Merycoidodontoidea [empty], Neoselenodontia Webb and Taylor 1980 [empty], Nonruminantia Gregory 1910 [empty], Trigonolestidae [empty]
Unr. †Panperissodactyla Welker et al. 2015
Or. †Panameriungulata de Muizon and Cifelli 2000
Fm. †Didolodontidae Simpson 1934
Invalid names: Bunolitopternidae Schlosser 1823 [synonym], Didolodidae Scott 1913 [replaced]
Subor. †Litopterna Ameghino 1889
Superor. Perissodactylamorpha Rose et al. 2020
Or. Perissodactyla Owen 1848 [odd-toed ungulate]
G. †Radinskya McKenna et al. 1989
Invalid names: Anthracobunia Ginsburg et al. 1999 [empty]
Unr. Phenacodonta McKenna 1975
G. †Olbitherium Tong et al. 2004
Fm. †Phenacodontidae Cope 1881 [condylarth]
Invalid names: Eparctocyona McKenna 1975 [synonym], Ungulata Linnaeus 1766 [synonym]
Unr. Ferae Linnaeus 1758
Unr. Carnivoramorpha Wyss and Flynn 1993
Unr. †Carnivoraformes Flynn et al.
G. †Africtis Mattingly et al. 2020
Or. Carnivora Bowdich 1821 [carnivoran]
G. †Dormaalocyon Solé et al. 2014
G. †Gracilocyon Smith and Smith 2010
G. Lycarion Matthew 1909
G. †Miacis Cope 1872
Invalid names: Harpalodon Marsh 1872 [synonym], Prodaphaenus Wortman and Matthew 1899 [synonym]
G. †Neovulpavus Wortman 1901
G. †Palaearctonyx Matthew 1909
G. †Paramiacis Filhol 1876
G. †Uintacyon Leidy 1873
G. †Vassacyon Matthew 1909
G. †Vulpavus Marsh 1871
G. †Xinyuictis Zheng et al. 1975
G. †Zodiocyon Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Oodectes Wortman 1901
†Oodectes herpestoides Wortman 1901
Invalid names: Oodectes proximus Matthew 1909 [synonym], Paeneprolimnocyon amissadomus Guthrie 1967 [synonym], Triacodon nanus Marsh 1872 [synonym]
†Oodectes pugnax Wortman and Matthew 1899
Invalid names: Paeneprolimnocyon Guthrie 1967 [synonym]
Fm. †Viverravidae Wortman and Matthew 1899
G. †Didymictis Cope 1875
G. †Orientictis Huang and Zheng 2005
G. †Preonictis Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Protictis Matthew
G. †Simpsonictis MacIntyre 1962
G. †Variviverra Tong and Wang 2006
G. †Viverriscus Beard and Dawson 2009
Invalid names: Deltatherium durini Van Valen 1978 [nomen dubium], Didymictidae Flynn and Galiano 1982 [synonym]
Or. †Creodonta Cope 1875 [creodont]
Or. †Hyaenodonta Van Valen 1967
G. †Eoproviverra Solé et al. 2014
Superfm. †Hyaenodontoidea Leidy 1869
Superfm. †Hyainailouroidea Borths et al. 2016
Subfm. †Limnocyoninae Wortman 1902
Invalid names: Ambloctonidae Cope 1877 [empty], Amblyctonidae Cope 1877 [empty], Arctocyonoidae Trouessart 1885 [empty], Hyaenodontida Leidy 1869 [empty], Limnocyonidae [empty], Oxyaenoidae Cope 1877 [empty], Uintacyonidae Hay 1902 [empty]
Unr. †Pholidotamorpha Gaudin et al. 2009
Subor. †Palaeanodonta Matthew 1918
G. †Amelotabes Rose 1978
G. †Arcticanodon Rose et al. 2004
Fm. †Epoicotheriidae Simpson 1927
G. †Ernanodon Ding 1979
Fm. †Escavadodontidae Rose and Lucas 2000
G. †Melaniella Fox 1984
Fm. †Metacheiromyidae Wortman 1903
Or. Pholidota Weber 1904 [pangolin]
Unr. †Eupholidota Gaudin et al. 2009
G. †Eurotamandua Storch 1981
G. †Leptomanis Filhol 1894
Invalid names: Eomanidae Storch 2003 [empty], Squamata Huxley 1872 [synonym]
Invalid names: Ostentoria [synonym]
Invalid names: Variamana [synonym]
Invalid names: Laurasiaplacentalia [synonym]
No diagnoses are available